Alliance of the Sacred Suns - if CK2, Stellaris, and MOO3 (Emrich Edition) had a strategy baby

Makes sense. Still freaked me out when I got a second email about a purchase

“I know I was drunk last night, but blackout drunk…?”. :)

I got the same. Before I opened it I thought it might contain the Steam key, but instead what appears to be a link to 7.4.

Given the possibility that Steve’s been hacked i wouldn’t click on it.

No hack, this is just prep for sending our Steam keys to all orders! Had to push though all the orders in WooCommerce’s backend. Sorry for any heart attacks!

Should be able to send keys any day now.


Did the new publisher get announced?

No sweat. Will the Steam key come with a new build?

Got no email here… bought the game on Feb 8 2019. Should I be worried?

No email either.

Publisher confirmed! Congrats to Steve and Electronic Arts!


:) Old school humor

Wow, EA? I think that’s great :) But I am totally surprised, this doesn’t to be their kind of game. Do they even do strategy games?

So, I just got my key! Thank you!

Have all the keys gone out? I still don’t have one yet.

I don’t think I have seen mine either. I got another email saying that my order is complete and giving me the old download link. But nothing about a key.

No keys here yet either. But @Texashawk did mention it will likely take a while.

Maybe he is trying to connect which keys/credit cards belong to which people on the forum? Throwing out a single key, and seeing who responded on the forum when the key went out!

He’s doxing us, and I’ve outed myself! Oh no.

Hopefully, you all understand that I am kidding. Especially @Texashawk.

He’s manually sending them out one at a time. On Discord, he mentioned he got through about a third of them yesterday.

Yes. I have several hundred orders to get through and I hope to get through all of them (in order of purchase!) by Thursday at the latest.


Any timeframe on when you think we might have publisher info and game availability (for purchase, I mean) on Steam?