Amazon Reaches for Jack

Haha I was referring to the books, but I would say tone is carried over fairly well.

It’s not quite to Banshee level of pulp though, and I wouldn’t put the level of violence/sex as gratuitous.

It was Roscoe. But yeah. I think “the FBI and the CIA wanted me, but I decided to stay in Georgia. Cause, family” would have fit great in a fast and curious movie.

I don’t think he is a real coroner Tom.

I still have 3 episodes to go. While this show is enjoyable, you can tell it’s missing the production values of some of the other Amazon shows. (High Castle/Jack Ryan/Wheel of Time).

Haha, I was explaining it to my wife and I said “It’s like if the Rock was Sherlock Holmes”.

Really? Like what do you mean? Not saying you’re wrong because I haven’t watched any of those others, but I thought it was generally pretty high quality. Maybe I just have low expectations. :)

It doesn’t feel like an expensive to make show, its the small town aspect I guess, and the acting at times seems like they just took the first take and rolled with it. Fight scenes are great though. :)


To be fair, this guy had basically never had to investigate a murder before Reacher came to town, and the photo in question was of someone whose death was concluded to be a suicide before any serious investigation occured. You know, because the killers were in charge…

I think the coroner mentioned that he hadn’t really looked at the body due to them knowing it was a suicide. Which seemed kinda odd but whatever.

My real issues with the final couple of eps was the ridiculous beating Reacher took with no repercussions. Not a big deal but noticeable. And I’m not a huge gun guy but don’t most lefties still shoot a rifle like a righty does? Right hand in the trigger/handle and left hand out front? Because of she’ll discharge or whatever? Dick Rich Evil Kid looked horrible holding that gun in the last battle. A few other characters looked just as bad. Maybe I’m wrong and those weird grips are actually proper but they didn’t look like any other show I’ve seen.

Still. All in all an enjoyable of pulpy romp. Looking forward to more.

Some rifles allow you to change the side shells eject from, but I wasn’t paying attention to that in the scene.

For me it was pretty okay aside from the 28 hours hits he took to the foresrm/body from the crowbar! Like come on, that’s a lot of broken bones

Ya. This scene was mostly what I found ridiculous. I liked that while he’s a big beefy dude he uses brains as much as body.

Yeah, that crow bar thumping recovery thing was unrealistic but I’ve watched enough action movies and series to know that ridiculous levels of recovery are going to happen. At least he didn’t walk off a gun shot to the abdomen or something or shake off a fall from 4 stories.

Finished it last night, it’s very faithful to the book. I’m wondering if they will take on the political ramifications of book 2 in s2.

Just finished watching this right now, loved it. Great to see its being renewed for another season.

This was pretty good. You could see the twist coming a mile away, but that’s part of the appeal I guess, the show makes you feel a bit smarter than it is.

Found it overall watchable, but Alan Ritchson comes across as a beefy Sam Worthington to me. Not really terrible, but kinda bland. Also, I get it that Reacher is supposed to be a bit of a hulk, but when he takes his shirt off, Ritchson looks a bit too ripped. Gotta hit the gym frequently to maintain those abs, and that doesn’t seem like a thing a drifter would do.

Jack Reacher doesn’t go to the gym. It’s beneath him. He’s naturally fit without even trying, like any Mary Sue. And he loves junk food because his heart and stomach are of the common man, not people who eat healthy.

You just have to accept that Jack Reacher is a power fantasy and go with it. It doesn’t care one whit about due process, laws, or good health. It cares only about the feeling of always being right and always being strong enough to win against the bad guys!

As for Alan Ritchson being bland, I disagree. There’s no way I would have lasted through a whole season of this show if I weren’t digging his charm and humor, but those are certainly subjective values. I wonder if him always being right makes the character feel flat? Perhaps it helps to have an existing context for the actor? He’s good as an ensemble cast member in a goofy war horror movie called Ghosts of War, but I think to really appreciate him, I’d recommend a movie he directed called Dark Web: Cicada 3301. It’s modest and funny, and he cast himself as a straight man while letting the lead actor have all the fun.


I do not like Jack Reacher. Oh, the show is fine, for a standard crime-mystery drama. But Reacher himself is basically a superman that chooses to act like a dick most of the time, and I didn’t find all the childhood flashbacks enough to excuse it. Still a fun show despite him, fortunately, the other characters and action-mystery stuff save it.

I prefer to think of him like Batman without the outfit.

That’s an apt comparison, although Punisher might be a bit better considering the body count. Never liked Frank Castle as a person much either, come to think of it. Plenty of entertainment watching them in all cases, though.