American Truck Simulator and its older sibling, European Truck Simulator

Do not ever do this. There is black magic in that suggestion, black magic which could destroy the world.

I.E. the Greatest Thing Ever Done

Love love LOVE that idea, but it’s black magic indeed. :)

Hard Parking II: The Revenge.

I think they’re already doing that game and it’s called Star Citizen.

From what I’ve read, basically yes, but they’ve said very little about the economy/management side of things.

Space Truckin:

Which means I’m safe. The only thing that has delivered is a certain Mr. Smart to Qt3.*

*I know they released some modules, I just don’t see the full ‘vision’ ever delivering.

Renamed to American Truck Simulator: California.

As the name implies, you don’t get all 50 states in the first installment of the game.

Basically, the “problem” is that we want to give it all to you. Euro Truck Simulator 2 has been great success for us - so we thought that we absolutely should not abandon it - let’s continue to improve and expand it! While we are at it, let’s venture across the ocean too with American Truck Simulator so that we can make happy more of the global fan base of the truck sim genre. At the same time, we knew that we will need to go deeper - and from this the ambition to create the complementary World of Trucks project was born.

We are adding community features and infrastructure to support implementation of a grand trucking universe with Virtual Trucking Companies and eventually with rich multiplayer. We would also like to introduce more vehicles into our world than just plain semi-trucks, so work has started on adding alternate gameplay and driving experiences into our simulation system. At the same time, we know that we need to keep pushing our graphics technology, there are still many things in our game engine to improve and optimize, and balancing such changes while trying not to break the game mods too badly is not easy at all.

Heh, start with the best state, all downhill from there I tell ya. I mean who’s gonna buy American Truck Simulator: Oklahoma, I ask you?

Sadists, and only legally insane people would buy ATS: Nebraska& Kansas.

Why am I sort of excited for this game? I am the furthest from a trucker anyone could possibly be haha. But I got a free key for Euro Truck Sim 2 from someone in the giveaway thread and I’ve spent like 25 hours trucking around Europe already. Wtf??? xD

Give me Colorado with weather effects. You haven’t lived until you trucked through a Colorado blizzard.

I will always remember driving up the Berthoud pass at 4 am, after 16 hours in the car, driving through a thunder snow blizzard.

creeps away quietly

Anyway, I get California is large, but come on now, we aren’t going to get like ‘the Northwest expansion’ with Oregon and Washington, please. Don’t turn into a bunch of nickle and dimers, SCS. Not that you aren’t already, but don’t turn into -worse- ones.

Don’t worry, the previously mentioned NE and KS DLC will be free!

So if they plan to merge both games into one multiplayer universe at some point down the line then it would seem to follow that the scale would be the same for both games. Which means you can drive from one end of California to other in twenty minutes?

I had one of the older truck sims several years ago for my then young boys. They liked it, but I never understood. Maybe I need to try it again…

Would like if you could race them, maybe Cannonball style. Or better yet if we could put guns on them and go all Mad Max/Car Wars

I’d buy that!

Both states. In a snowstorm.

Easiest level design ever.

Too bad it doesn’t have multiplayer where you could be the police. I’d like to harass truckers like Ernest Borgnine in Convoy.