And the winner of 2020's final review request is...

Yeah, look at that artwork! Nice! Why didn’t I appreciate trippy stuff like this when I was a kid? I was always freaked out by this sort of thing. But now I love it.

I would complain that they’re too short, but that’s because they’re as good as they are. I just love the central concept of an insecure rogue AI and I especially love how Wells’ uses first person to make him so relatable. Kind of even adorable.

Sadly, I haven’t been able to play this as much as I’d like, because it tends to take a long time and leave some of the players unsatisfied because they got locked out of whatever winning deal won the game. But I can’t bring myself to put it on the “get rid of it” pile. It’s just too unique as far a game about playing the table.

Okay, well now you’ve made me want to watch it.
