And When I Die, and When I am Dead and Gone.....

Thanks, I didn’t know that was even a thing you could do!

One thing that I feel is a gap is online communities & people you game with. People just quit logging in and without RL friends who know you, who could come forward with the bad news, no one really knows.

@Skipper thanks for that Google inactive - it’s a bit late IMO at waiting 90 days, so it reminded me to set my gmail account in lastpass as shared so she can have it before then.

For what it’s worth there are other dead man’s switch alternatives out there if you want to have a tighter time frame for contact. One thing that bothers me about the one for Google is my personal device might count as checking for email, etc, and cause the account to remain current.

WTF. :(

That’s strange? Is it some sort of strange account? Or did you die already but haven’t realized? (aka the Sixth Sense problem.)


I dunno. I’ve had this account since Gmail was created.

That was sobering.

That’s pretty strange indeed. All I can think of is to tell you to open a ticket with Google for the actual account, but I’m struggling with how you’d actually do that. Most of their assistance is just a database of problems/solutions.

Also, apologies for my off-color joke and movie spoiler-y.

I searched for Inactive and was able to set it up. But your link still doesn’t work, and now when I search for Inactive all I get are help pages. Apparently I can never change it? sigh

I told the Google to notify my next of kin, as it were, thanks to this thread popping up. So thanks, y’all.

Mostly it’s just making me think that my affairs are super not in order, should my time come unexpectedly (or, frankly, sooner than fucking later which seems like a thing that could very well be). Which is a whole different thing when there are kids involved. Luckily I live in a civilized land so things will pass to my widow and children in a relatively orderly fashion, but there’s probably a better and more explicit way to set that up which doesn’t rely on the state not doing something trumpy and fucking stupid.

I should really go hit up whatever website that does these things for a penny. Not tonight, but like, soon.

I have no affairs, so I don’t need to worry.

We did all that a year or two ago. We ended up getting our wills, Durable Power of Attorney, and the Health related one, whatever it’s called.

I think a will is a good idea even if you’re going to do the “normal” thing with your estate when you die.

As to the cost, you might want to check with your employer - some offer “legal benefits” where you can get all that done for like $300.