Android - what's in your pocket?

No, it was merely gravity: I woke up, put on my canadian jacket, the phone happened to be in the top right pocket from the previous evening (I put it there when I want to listen to podcast, headphone-less). I dragged my coffee-deprived self to the toilet, did what clueless males do and peed standing, then bent over for the flush. Drame ensues.

This will go on as a spinoff to a famous @RichVR topic starring @stusser, but I used to take the habits, when living with my wife, to sit on the toilets no matter what, as to help with the splatter and before it is more comfortable anyway — and because I had already lost an iPod to the male body positionning before. Now getting an old fashioned, upper flush could have helped in both case too.

Ironically, I had taken off a cover a few weeks before, because it made it difficult for me to pull the phone out of any of my pockets. Duh.