Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Or: All Good Animals Cross to Switch)

I suppose puns are the main source of entertainment in that little archipelago. ;)

Wooden Chairs are selling for 1440 bells here today, requires 6 wood to craft. Just opened up my gates.

Simple DIY Workbenches on my island for some goofy-fuck amount like 2800. I luckily had a huge store of Iron and Hardwood and made a killing. Sadly can’t open my island up tonight; gf wants to play :)

On it!

Be sure to check out the clothing shop and the traveling shoe salesman while you’re visiting. If you see me zoning out on a bench or something, I’m just working on dinner and stuff :)

I’m trapped on your island because it won’t let me leave while you’re on your nook phone :(

Hostage situation!!

Sheesh, left trigger must have triggered when I set the damn controller down! So sorry about that.

Haha, no problem. I was playing another game as well so I just did that for a few minutes. Thanks!

Thanks @barstein! I think I spent about 30k on clothes at your shop!

Me too, or close to it. There’s also a counter at the back where you can create your own designs, or download them from online sources like this subreddit.

My little guy is the Dude from big Lebowski and I’d love to get him kitted out with clothes that make him look a little more like that (bathrobe, shades, etc.) is there any way I can do that?

I actually wound up with a set of stripe-y PJs as a random gift from one of my villagers, and bought some sick-ass futuristic shades and some cozy-looking slippers at the Nook Shop, so I’m guessing that all of that is pretty doable. One of the default hairstyles is even pretty Dude-esque. It may take some time (or traveling around to friends’ islands and their shops – especially if they’ve got Mabel in town!) to collect all the right pieces, though :)


The citizens of Sunflower abhor the practice of kidnapping. It is very safe to travel here.

We have some peaches, oranges, and coconuts.

I just did my 1st mystery island, full of tulips, not quite what i was expecting.


Coconut Trees :)

Latest arrival.


Check yer mail.