Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Or: All Good Animals Cross to Switch)

When I started this on release day, I was trying to do everything, upgrade, max out the pace, etc. Now, I’m enjoying it more just taking it easy. Maybe I miss a fish and maybe my house isn’t as upgraded as others’ houses. But, it’s ok. Looks like people on Twitter have more free time than I do. :D

Well yeah if I don’t catch that last fish of the season, I’ll catch it next season. Talk about your all-time long term game.

I don’t have a ladder yet so will wait 'til next season for that one!

Unless you wanna come buy a ladder on one of our islands. . . ;-)

I was astounded, when the Switch’s silly 10-days-before-logging-playtime passed, that my 60+ hours was like the third lowest out of my 15+ friends who’d also been playing since day one.

Quick, everyone rush to Gary’s island!



Okay but seriously can I sneak in

Where does a Switch show playtime? I can sort by longest playtime, but I don’t see actual hours anywhere.

if you look at your profile, you should see playtimes in there :)

Nobody cared who I was until … recently.

Also, “more than 30 hours played” was a shock to me, I didn’t think I’d played quite that much this last week or so. Wow.

They let the wrong person discover customization. :)


I am going to FILL my island with Magic the Gathering art! Mwa-hahaha!

Called it sing-song voice

Look what you’ve done, Nintendo.

You’ve got a long way to spiral down.

Is there a website for these custom tailor codes or do I have troll Twitter for them?

This is how I did theam. Warning: it’s a huge PITA

Yeah I did that but I want the fancy custom outfits. I know people with skills can give codes for the tailor shop, wondered if there was a collection somewhere.

Oh yeah, my outfit was on a mannequin in the tailor store.

Ah well no Stringfish until…(reading)…December for me.

Gave it a shot, though.

Also, that feeling when you decide to wrap it up, head home and save, and a tarantula charges out of your flowers to bite your ass before you click the door.