Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Or: All Good Animals Cross to Switch)

I was wondering what the heck this campsite everyone was talking about was. Finally realized I had to ask Tom Nook ‘what should I do’ about four more times to get that. Sigh.

Today I learned:

Tarantulas absolutely can spawn and attack you when you don’t have a net in hand.

They are way easier to catch than I thought, just have your net in hand, hold A, walk toward them while they’re reared up, when they jump, let go of the button, voila.

There actually are Mystery Islands without your native fruit on them. Huh. That was new.

My island peeps will wear outfits I give them. Nice.

It took a while but I figured out how to download and wear custom clothes (and they’re free!).

You don’t want to see @barstein leaving your airport unclothed.

I still love giving bugs to Blathers.


I assumed in the exit video, Nintendo would at least edit in a coconut leaf!

Quick confirmation, my step daughter now wants to have a island of her own. AC is all the rage during the quarantine apparently. I have the digital version installed on my Switch. I can get her a cart and create a profile for her and then she can play as her own little dudette off the cart and not mess with my digital based dude, right?

No. :frowning:

One save per Switch, regardless of how many copies you have

Oh Nintendo. When you decide to make sucky decisions you go full throttle on the suck.

Another amusing bit downthread from the twitter linked above.

I’ve resigned to the fact that my island will have aesthetics of a kid’s bedroom. My son likes to leave fish and bug “friends” all over the place.

You have to wonder how many posts to basically all subreddits which purport to air interpersonal drama are trolls, but if (big if) this one is not a troll…she needs to break up with that guy immediately.

Know how there’s that rule about how all headlines in the form of a yes or no question can definitively be answered with “No” in journalism?

There’s a similar truism with the Am I The Asshole subreddit. The answer is always yes.

I was shocked that it took until the very end for that asshole to point out that he makes more money than his 8 year younger girlfriend. He fit in the fact that he can kick her ass at Smash in the second paragraph though, so that was solid.

It’s so smug it practically has to be a troll. Nobody who’s that much of an asshole has the self-awareness to even wonder if they are.

He’s not actually wondering, though. It’s still trolling, but posters like that are looking for sympathy votes to help reinforce their beliefs about themselves.

It’s a decision dating back to the original game on N64, I guess it’s just part of the DNA now… :P

Sort of, but it’s been mentioned before that this is the first time a separate whole console was required to have separate saves. Previously it was memory cards/game cartridges.

Only because the past devices stored saves on the cartridge/card, and not on the console like with Switch.

It’s a design decision from way back. They don’t want you to have multiple islands.

I’m not sure that, “They’ve been trying their hardest to be dumb for decades, stymied only by the adequacy of technology” is much better, though… :joy:

The shiny is kind of wearing off for me, too.

Yeah at some point it tends to go from being an everyday obsession, to a ‘check in once in a while’ kind of thing.

Though usually I’d just move on to something shinier, as the latter scenario invariably ends up all about weeding for me! :wink:

I’m actually still digging it a lot, but am pretty okay acknowledging Nintendo’s boneheaded decisions and stubbornness where they cause issues.

I expect I’ll fully unlock our island and spend some time perfecting the furniture and outfits for my partner and I this month, then check back in for special events, seasonal bugs and fish, etc. It and Slay the Spire are the first videogames I’ve played seriously in a very, very long time, and I anticipate enjoying them both a lot more in the months to come.

My 5yo has basically taken over my island. Chopped down every tree and covered it in butterfly boxes.

That was irresponsible of you to give your 5 year old an axe.

Question, after my first week in the turnip market. Everyday at noon the price has changed very little. Is it always like that? Do you ever see great swings from the 8am to noon price?