Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Or: All Good Animals Cross to Switch)

I used to be, but this is so much more relaxed. Today I just wandered around catching bugs, no progress except for I caught a lot of butterflies, because why not?

Also if any of you get decent turnip prices this week, please inform moi :) I have an inventory-full for all the bells.

I’d say it’s better but not perfect. Too many wood eggs still & not enough earth eggs (if you’re really trying to make all of the dumb bunny day recipies once)

That’s my attitude too. I had friends who used to play Animal Crossing, and they had a daily chore list they had to do. Hit every rock. Shake every tree. Visit every villager. But there’s not really an ending, so I’m not sure why you would sacrifice enjoying the journey.

Now if you don’t mind, I need to go water some virtual flowers because I’m really hoping a blue one comes up.

Are you trying to cross breed the various flowers to get a blue one?

Yeah I’m basically just planting all the types I have with spaces in between, hoping something new pops up.

I lost an item in inventory last night; I made a purchase in the Nook kids’ shop, the sign changed to “Sold”, but it never made it into my inventory. It was flooring – I’m kinda bummed about it.

Btw my first 2 days of turnip prices this week have been 39 and 31. I’m hoping for a much better one soon…

That happened to me about a week ago. It was either flooring or walls.


My hot item today was Ironwood Carts. Which I actually can make, unlike the stupid Kitchenettes. But I was really busy w/ work and cooking and a nap and only really remembered to check in on that at 9:56, which gave me just enough time to harvest the 6 wood I needed (atop the 4 Iron; I’ve got a TON of spare Iron) to make one. Which I sold at 9:59. . . for 7,440 bells! Fffffuuuuuuuuuuu

I could have been rich :(

My hot item yesterday was the wooden lounge. Finally found a use for my piles and piles of hardwood! Tidy profit there.

On the other hand, my turnips (that I paid $.99 for) have gone from the $.30s down to $.24 today. Color me mildly worried.

From what I hear that means you’ll get a turnip price spike in a day or two.

Up to 136ish here, which is. . . fine?

I bought mine for 94 and sold them for 119 because it’s too stressful trying to find someone else with good prices. So I made about what I would make walking around for 20 minutes catching butterflies.

I bought a lot of them for the first time at 106 I think. I held off selling in the 130s due to previous talk of prices in the 300s or 400s. Now my offer this morning is in the 80s. Doh!

i’m so glad turnips are against my religion, I’m preserved from all this madness.

Mmmmm. preserved turnip

I had picked up a few hundred thousand at 92 and then sold them last night for 178. Pretty good turn around there, I think. Then I realized I don’t have anything to spend bells on really - clothes maybe, or the odd item in the store that I think looks cool. I have a bridge on every river and an incline up every cliff, and I’ve got a 5 star island that I really like, and I’m struggling to sign in for my daily stuff today, so I may be ready to move onto Luigi’s Mansion 3 for a little while and come back maybe Saturday for the fishing tournament.

Oh, I should probably craft some more bait for that, now I think of it.

Preserved plums are delicious.

My main complaint is how annoying connectivity is. I wish the gates were always open so my friends could pop right by without coordination needed.

Yeah I wish I could designate my island as open or closed regardless of if I was there, maybe limit what people could do if you were not logged in

Turnips are selling for 538 on my island. Gate is open using Dodo code DBW4N until I forget the server is running and press the home button