Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Or: All Good Animals Cross to Switch)

Damn all you planter people! I’m sitting here wondering if I can somehow get AC to run on my PS4 as the Switch doesn’t arrive until Tuesday. Hasn’t shipped yet either, which makes me a little skeptical that it’s actually coming from Walmart.

Here’s a little reminder - make sure you are sending postcards with gifts to your neighbours (at the airport), they really appreciate it. And it’s kinda fun to see them using something you gave them. :)

Can you provide me with some guidance? I’ve been looking around but didn’t find the option (the settings option on the title screen only allows for save management). I really hope the option is in there because I love the the animal crossing translation in my language, but others games are terrible.

I haven’t been able to invade (pardon my Darksoulish) anyone yet. I saw @lostcawz server but it failed to connect.
I also keep getting red dots in the friend category of my phone, and am wondering if those are people failing to connect to my place.

Got a visitor! @lostcawz is standing here, ignoring me and the fruit I dropped while he plays with his phone. Could be he’s just a little put off by my wife beater outfit and black eye. ;)

Edit: oops, he might have glitched out, left all of a sudden. The fruit is no longer on the ground, hope you managed to snag it before Nintendo ate it!

Do you need to subscribe to their online service to do any of the multiplayer stuff?


Ah. Well, I guess I’ll skip that stuff, then.

You can possibly still use Mystery Tours to visit other islands without an online sub, not sure. Anyone know?

Oops, I must be misremembering. I looked around and couldn’t find it. Sorry!

Haha! As soon as I landed I got a honey-do chore and had to step away. I went back and filled up my inventory with fish and stuff (thx!!!). I didn’t take anything for payment but did at least show a new quest line. But I’ve been paid back for my initial ignoring of @barstein by being stuck in the island while @barstein continuously chats with one of the pushers…I mean island workers. Hehe!

Edit: nooooo! I just switched back to switch and got disconnected and lost almost everything. I do have coconuts though!

Aaaah! Sorry about that, had to investigate a ruckus outside, didn’t realize npc dialogs blocked air travel like that. Well, perhaps I did, now that I think about it; the travel dodo said something about it earlier when I was attempting to visit some of you guys.

Glad you retained a coconut, at least. :)

Ummm… how do I do that? It’s not in my pocket with the other stuff I own. I can’t figure out what to press.

ZL opens the phone; the NookMiles app is almost always what’s producing the “notification” and that usually just means you’ve completed one of the tasks and can claim some NookMiles.

I noticed someone else dropped fruit down by their airport, presumably for guests. I thought that was a pretty cool idea, so I planted a few peach and orange trees there on my island. Also a bunch of coconut along the southern beaches. And I have a few larger orchards going as well, elsewhere. I have cherries now as well, but not quite enough to share just yet. I’m guessing fruit trees probably take a few days or so to grow to full maturity?

Edit: Oh, and it turns out you can send mail to friends once you’ve visited one another.

I don’t think you can (so far). My wife is playing (has a house) on my island and tried to use the mystery tours. Secondary characters don’t see the same options (no mystery tour item) and when you try to pick internet it tells you a Nintendo online act is required.

Honestly the multiplayer and island locking seem pretty greedy i& unintuitive to me. Diablo is very generous, but Animal Crossing basically wants us two buy two devices, two games, and two online acts for full functionality. I’m enjoying the game, but fuck that noise!

Unrelated question: can you get rid of residents you may not want to stick around? I maybe foolishly invited the first 3 I ran into before reading that there’s a maximum of ten people per island ever.


If it’s anything like the previous AC games, residents will occasionally decide to leave for various reasons. And there are things you can do that will influence them in that regard.

Right, so she doesn’t see the mystery tour tickets at the Nook Terminal?

I still don’t think they’re locked behind online though since as far as I know they’re proc gen islands, not a multiplayer feature.

So - How on earth do you get iron nuggets? I have access to the surrounding areas, but have 2-3 rocks max per day. If I hit them with no strength, I get a rock or two - If I hit them with powered up strength, I get rocks. Also - with 2-3 rocks, gathering 30 iron will take…30-40 days?

See here for some spoilery tricks!

TLDR; you can get up to 8 hits per rock per day if you’re quick and can stop yourself from moving backwards by digging holes behind yourself. A shovel is best.

And you can spend miles to get tickets to other islands which also have rocks you can hit (the ‘Mystery Tours’).

My neighbours also donated some, though not a lot. :)

Well, I’ve managed to amass enough various collectibles to kickstart the construction of the full museum and the Nook shop. Tomorrow should bring big changes, though I’ll be too busy to do much more than just check in.