Anime' - Whatcha Watchin? (Is it good?)

I also love Attack on Titan!

Hunter x Hunter is a good one, just be warned that it’s currently hard to get a hold of the English dub for a lot of the episodes. I was able to watch up to the Chimera Arc in English so far.

I used TurinTur’s Top 75 recommendation thread from 2017. He has a lot of great recommendations in there that I’ve seen now. Some are harder to get into than others. And my main complaint with his list is that he lists a lot of things that aren’t finished yet. And who knows, maybe they never will be finished. For example, if you like Sports stories, let’s say shows like Friday Night Lights and movies like Remember the Titans, things like that, then I think you’ll love Haiyakuu, the volleyball anime on his list. BUT, even though his list is from 2017, the anime just released a new season in 2020, and it’s still not finished. I think there’s still one more season to go, if it gets made. Plus I’m like you, I prefer to have a good Dub, so waiting for the dub takes even longer.

Oh, and I think my personal favorite anime is probably Erased. It’s a short one season story involving time travel and a serial killer. The anime supposedly has a poor ending, but I wouldn’t know. There comes a point in the story where the story clearly ends at the end of one episode, and it’s a perfect ending. But then, there’s still 2 or 3 episodes after that, but why would I watch those?