Anime' - Whatcha Watchin? (Is it good?)

Yeah, I bailed pretty quickly on the show myself. Felt extremely derivative of Trigun but lacked any of the charm that show exudes.

Carole and Tuesday is really good. I find the slice of life description somewhat inaccurate, first half of the show which is the 12 episodes on Netflix is really focused on the rise of the band and even has a tournament arc. Based on the origins of the two band members you can see where things may go in the next 12 and how they might get political.

The English dub is also really good, and where the songs are in English in the original Japanese version as well one of the few instances where I preferred to watch the English version as it felt more cohesive.

Now that I have Hulu again (with commercials though, grrrrrrr) I finished the 2nd season of One Punch Man. Great season, though it felt like the last episode didn’t resolve anything. Much more of a cliff-hanger season than the first one.

Season 1 was really great and Season 2 was mehhhhhhhhh

I’d just put it as the jury still being out. Garou is an unresolved thread, Monster Association is unresolved. Saitama’s main rival becoming a monster is unresolved. It just seems like Season 2 is all setup. Whether I think it’s meh or I love it will depend on how all those things get resolved eventually.

Edit: Good things: I loved the character of King in Season 2. All his taunts are so good.

Well, right, as the first half of a season 2 it would have been fine, but given the Lost Season 1 unresolved shit vibe, I score it a meh.

People watch One Punch Man for the story arcs?

If the story arc involves throwing a bicycle at the deep sea king, then sure.

I’d like to pick up a new anime, but the recent stuff I’ve seen hasn’t looked very interesting lately?

Does anyone have any recommendations of something in the last couple years that stood out and they would recommend watching?

Here’s MAL’s take on the best stuff since 2017 (I limited the results to rated 7 and higher to filter out some real bad stuff and keep the list shorter, but feel free to remove that restriction):

I’ve been following this thread and watching some of the things you guys have talked about but it’s been a bit now and I can’t even recall anything majorly good without consulting that list first to remind myself. I’m currently watching Bungou Stray Dogs which is… ok, I guess?

Edit: I don’t have anything in particular in mind theme or genre wise since I like pretty much everything, but horror is out in general for me I suppose.

I read a good thing or two about Future Diary, and noticed that it was on Hulu. I came to this thread, and there’s some positive comments about it while it was airing, but no one seems to have mentioned it since then.

One thing I know for sure after trying to watch the first episode though: I definitely need to wait until I have Hulu without commercials before trying to watch any anime. The amount of commercials in an episode is out of control.

RWBY season six is out on YouTube now.

Is that a threat?

Nah, the threat is that season 7 is airing now! Which I have not yet watched, as usual preferring to wait until I can get the whole thing at once. RWBY episodes are too short for my taste.

But it’s only out on their exclusive service, so season 7 is behind a login.

Yep. To be entirely fair, you can watch the current season of RWBY on Roosterteeth with the free membership, but you’ll always be a week behind. The new season has some awesome stuff such as What, you really thought I was going to spoil stuff you hadn’t seen? ;) so it’s worth the free login, at least.

This is super late but from that list I’d suggest

Yakusoku no Neverland
Violet Evergarden
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai

JoJo, Shingeki no Kyojin and Boku no Hero Academia are all also good but they’re continuations of series you might be already aware of

Thank you!

Overlord is pretty good, I did watch that one. And I didn’t much like Violet Evergarden but it was pretty neat.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Seishun Buta Yarou - it’s less fan servicey of a series than what the visuals suggest and has one of the more likable main characters for these type of RomComs. I enjoyed the series quite a bit.

Really into Kengan Ashura now I’ve watched season 2 a few times.

Hopefully Baki’s next season will be more tournament based like the older anime rather than the Prisoner arc which ended in a disappointing way.

I’ve been watching Blade of the Immortal. They are trying to adapt 31 volumes of manga into a 24 episode season and it’s a mess. They are just burning through content nonstop. Also they censored Manji’s manji. Kind of curious what people think of this one who have never read Blade of the Immortal.

I’m also giving Psycho-Pass season 3 a try. I never finished season 2, but it looks like you can just jump into season 3 since there are new inspectors. I certainly don’t miss that female inspector from the first two seasons.

I’ve also been watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes off and on since Game of Thrones ended. I’ve heard it called Game of Thrones…IN SPACE and that seems pretty apt. I’ve seen the first 76 episodes out of 110 and one of the movies. Absolutely loving this series. You got Yang Wen-li of the democratic Free Planets Alliance versus Reinhard of the monarchic Galactic Empire in an epic space war. There is also Phezzan, a neutral party with their own agenda, and the Earth Cult doing shady shit behind the scenes. Both the main characters are awesome and there are a ton of other characters. It’s really impressive how fully realized the world is in the show and there have been a few episodes which were straight up history lessons on how these factions came to be. The show tends to switch back and forth between the two leads from episode to episode which keeps things pretty interesting. I love seeing Yang Wen-li and Reinhard trying to tactically outmaneuver the other while also having to deal with politicians or the aristocracy on their home planets. Also there is a straight up Death Star. Love it.