Anno 1800, city-building in the industrial revolution

It is. Still need a half speed mode for game as it’s so busy with all expansions.

You cant slow things down? Can you Pause and give orders at least?


But MODS allow for slow building. :)

[Addon] Build while in Pausemode (Slow-Mo)
Now you can Slowdown the Game to almost Zero and still be able to build, keep in mind it has some limits and may be a bit sluggish.
Its the closest thing to “Build while in Pause” we can get as of now.
(You can configure the togglekey in the Options, standard Q)

The gold edition was (is still?) on sale at Epic for $35 or something, so I finally caved and picked it up. (Having played it fairly extensively in all the various demos/free weeks they had.)

I’m super curious how the new expansion is. I got the Trafalgar expedition; I wonder when the polar one shows up.

I started one with three 2-star opponents (including the anarchist) and I think I’m doing well… I claimed my second island, and first and second new world islands before anybody else, which is pretty much all I’m going for. I think they’re still ahead of me tech-wise, but eventually they’ll stop and I’ll come out on top.

The ultimate 1800’s debate, which is worse for global warming?

Massive coal burning industry:

Cow farts:

Polar one opens up when you hit engineers. Nice thing about it is there is no land rush there so do it when you ha e plenty of time.

Uh, spoiler warning!

Just kidding, and it’s great to hear that there’s no land rush on that one. I got a chance to play for 2 hours last night, and damned if I didn’t get distracted by one thing after another. I’m running out of space on my first island (I chose medium island sizes to try to get the difficulty into the 2-star range, for some reason), so I’m thinking about pivoting now to make Crown Falls my big one. (That island is such a gimme–so much open space and it’s got wheat and hops, not to mention tons of mines.) As such, I haven’t got engineers yet. :)

My Crown Falls settlement is much more planned than I’ve ever done before. I actually laid out all the public services (at least through artisan level–pub, school, hospital, etc) in blueprint mode and then started laying down houses. I’m also trying an intentionally (somewhat) wasteful housing layout of 3x3 housing blocks, with the central one open (so only 8 houses). It’s definitely suboptimal but I like the way it looks (maybe I’ll put some screenshots up when I get to artisans there). I figure I’ll put some kind of beautification in there and at least it will have some marginal effect on tourism.

I also got the achievement for doing the anarchist questline. Honestly I was kind of unimpressed–they give you a choice for whether to go with the anarchist and or the crown, and then hint that the fire-dudes (from the main campaign, I guess, I didn’t play with that on this time) had something to do with it. I do kind of like the new items and such that the anarchist provides, at least for flavor, but if you’re looking to skip out on a DLC I’d say this is the one.

IIRC I got an achievement called “global warming” or something similar for building a whole crap-ton of factories.

Nice pics, btw!

Yes totally post screens please. Would love to see your developments, especially while being stuck in hospital here.

Will do. Don’t know when I’ll get a chance to, weekend might be kind of busy. But damned if I don’t want to just play this and let the kids wander around on their own. (Not a great idea given that the 1 y.o. just figured out how to climb up onto the chairs.)

So here’s the Crown Falls layout I was talking about. If you look closely (hard to differentiate, I think) you can see the public buildings in the middle and square blocks around. I’m hoping the square blocks look better when they get upgraded to the bigger houses that join together. I like that the south / southeast end of the town has blocks more irregularly laid out, and I wish I had shifted around the northern end of town similarly.

And at a fancy angle at dusk you can see the farms in the distance. It doesn’t look like that much space but it’s huge!

(I should probably figure out how to clean up the UI a bit…)

As I said my home island is getting kind of crowded. The houses are right up against the industry on one side and the farms on the other. Yuck. (For them.)

(Also, I noticed that the shadows point in the same direction for dawn and dusk…)
(And yes, my island is named Orb Douche, which is funny.)

Finally here’s the new world, also at a snappy angle. Those new world islands are so crowded with the damn rivers messing everything up. But I like the ship in the background of this shot.

There you go @jpinard!

F1 on the keyboard, put you into postcard mode, and you can take screenshots without the UI.

Thank you. That crown falls photo is gorgeous!

Hope it is nothing serious!

@midnight.mangler: Here’s the thread.

Also, where has this screen been for my entire life?!

It actually shows that my people are drinking more gin than I’m producing!!!

It was added in a update before winter if I recall.

Ugh… so somehow I am losing my current sandbox game to the nice lady with the british accent. She took out 2 of the in game AI’s and somehow got the pirates on her side so they are harassing me constantly, all the while she is buying stock shares on my islands.

Grrrr. Might be time for a game with no AI players. :P

Try a game without just the pirates first. I enjoyed it so much more that I never went back to including them.

Yeah thats looks like what I am going to have to do, its just the lost 10 hours of playtime, that makes me sad. Seems like every time I get to engineers shit hits the fan.

Hm, I’d say do the opposite: try a game with just the pirates and “friendly” AIs – maybe two of Willie, Bente, or Qing. I find the pirates to add a bit of flavor and military pressure that is otherwise lacking–wars with other AIs tend to be all-out affairs, but the pirates are more of a slow burn. But then again, I’ve never tried playing without them!