Another terrorist attack

Would certainly simplify logistics.

Because an eternity in this place is guaranteed.

This isnt metaphorical. It’s an actual physical place you will go to.

Jannah. Heaven. Paradise. It’s where we all wanna be in the hereafter

People of heaven will live forever and never die

People in heaven will be in permanent joy and will never feel miserable

The smallest estate in heaven is 10 times the size of the earth

There is no tree in Paradise that does not have a trunk made of gold

It will take 40 years to go past one tree, that is how big it is, and not our version of 40 years but the hereafters version

A whole tribe could eat from one pomegranate seed till they’re full

People will never urinate nor excrete, they will burp to digest their food which will smell of musk

Foods of Jannah will be that a person can continuously eat, and in one fragranced burp, digest to eat again

There is a sea of honey, a sea of wine, a sea of milk, a sea of water, and rivers flow out of these seas to each person

There are rivers of water, rivers of milk of which the taste never changes, rivers of wine, and rivers of honey pure and clear

People will sit on gold-encrusted thrones, reclining on green cushions and rich carpets, facing one another, eating and talking and drinking

Houses will be made of diamonds, rubies and pearls

Bricks used are of gold and silver

The houses will be so surreal the people will ask Allah ‘are these for the prophets?’ Allah will say ‘they are for you and the prophets’

People will be like Adam (AS), sixty cubits (27metres) tall, aged about 30 to 33 and their youth will never fade

There’s a market every friday that the wives will go to and the wind will blow on their face and increase their beauty and fragrance

Even the last person to enter Jannah will have ten times better than this world

If a hoor from Paradise were to look at this earth, she would light up everything between it and fill it with her fragrance

If a hoor were to spit in the oceans of the world, the salty waters would become sweet

If a hoor were to show one strand of hair into this world it would outshine the sun

Hoors will be wearing 70 layers of clothes but you will still be able to see through to their bodies

When you first see a hoor you will be stunned by her beauty so much so that you will stare at her for 40 years

This hoor will be so beautiful that you’ll be able to see your name written on her heart

She will show her love for you in 100 different ways just as she walks towards you

Her breast will be like a pomegranate seed, but not the pomegranate of his world, the pomegranate of the hereafter, humongous

She will have large beautiful coloured eyes and she will never have been touched before

If she walked past a dead person they would immediately come back to life

The hoors will sing to the men in the most beautiful voices that anyone has heard

Music will be heard, not music of this world but music of the hereafter which will be so much better

There will be beautiful colours that this world has never seen

The ultimate joy in Jannah will be seeing the face of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala

Uh, sure.

Jannah descriptions often end up with bad poetry. The devout churn out bad poetry like the Vogons.

It doesn’t have to make any sense, any more than the time Mohammed split the Moon or travelled from Mecca to Jerusalem on a flying horse thing, both of which are absolute, undisputed facts for the devout, just as The Flood and Zombie Jesus are for so many others. All that matters is its real, and you’re going to go there if you do X, Y or Z.

I love the implication that a tree made of gold is somehow an improvement over one made of wood.

90ft tall hooris, giant, hairless, transparent, barely sentient beings with only their bone marrow being opaque, the rest I imagine to be a translucent jelly like substance

and you have to herd 72 of these monsters about. I’ve always dreaded my future as a shoggoth shepherd, even if my hoori stables are made with gold bricks although as possibly the worlds worst Muslim Im not guaranteed a place until I mend my heretical apostatising ways through some pretty much spectacular acts of devotion and worship.

unless of course I end my days blowing myself up when surrounded by kafir children, then im guaranteed entry by that single act

Blowing yourself up just means your blood, hair and internal organs are that much closer to heaven!

This is a developing story. No fatalities so far:

Two men detonated an “improvised explosive device” on Thursday, injuring 15 people inside a restaurant in Mississauga, Ontario, police said.

Peel Regional Police say the suspects walked into the Bombay Bhel Indian restaurant about 10:30 p.m. and detonated the device and fled.

Surveillance photos show the men wearing jeans and dark-colored hoodies. One of them had his face covered with a black cloth, police said.