Anthem - BioWare's take on Destiny

Yeah… I post a screenshot, you imply I’m an idiot. I don’t want to argue about it, so yeah.

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. And I don’t think that. 🙁

The health bar changes so often that I have no idea if my Colossus is supposed to have 30 pips or 90. That’s all I meant.

I liked the picture of the infinity armour pips.

And yes, that is in fact a accurate depiction of the Colossus armor.

I got 2 tonight from 2 Tyrant Mine runs. Got my Storm up to 718, Ranger to 704 and other two to 676. It’s worthwhile to clear out trash mobs in between chests/bosses in Tyrant Mine as they can drop Legendary loot. I think I’m done until any significant content refresh.

BioWare itemization fail continues:

Yeah… that’s odd. Still, you’re crazy to remove those items. My Storm has one that has +35% Shield, +35% Luck and +25% Harvesting… which is a really nice item. A small hit to combo/ melee/ ult damage is not particularly important in the grand scheme.

It’s also a temporary ‘problem.’ They’re introducing Masterwork Support Items, which will make for a nice item chase. Of course, I’m sure people will just find the next issue to pile on :)

Yeah, a little clumsy but I get it. Ultimates and Melee scaled based on your average power level of slotted items, so if you have one item far behind then removing it eliminates it from the pool. All of these scaling issues seem to stem from them wanting to make sure low level players can hang out with higher level friends, which I appreciate. They just didn’t test the system very much, because there’s weird cases like this.

I think the sensible thing to do is remove any and all scaling at Grandmaster difficulty. That is intended for L30 players, and if a lowbie wants to tag along then they should expect to be carried. I also think instead of calculating your ultimate and melee off of an average score, they have an opportunity to make those gear slots as well.

I think the intentions of the team have been in the right place, but the implementation has had some exploitable problems.

So with The Division 2 out now for the fancy-edition customers do we go ahead and lock this thread and forget Anthem forever right now, or should we wait until D2 is live for everyone on Friday?

And just to clarify, the scaling to average item level was only made in the most recent patch. They didn’t think it through all the way, but it’s hardly an unforgivable sin or an “itemization fail”. Not sure why they didn’t just use total score instead.

Haha. While I plan on playing The Division 2, I highly doubt it is going to replace Iron Man Online for me. I’d be happy to get distracted for a month or so while Anthem irons out some of the wrinkles, though!

This isn’t scaling in the sense that, “I want my low level friend to play with me.” Every player needs melee, ults and combos to scale with something. There are no item slots for those, as with guns and skills. Only a few items have relevant inscriptions, and they’re small. So, the issue they ran into was that melee/ ults and combos were underpowered in GM1 and essentially useless (except for the heal) in GM2+. They just didn’t keep up with the inflated health of those enemies. Now, they do, and they’re useful in all content.

The only real issue (and it’s a tiny one) is that they haven’t got the mastework/ legendary support sets done. As with a hundred other things in Anthem, much depends on how well and how quickly than can fill in the gaps.

Having run through the campaign, I think I’m at a natural stopping point while I go try to save D.C. from mercenaries and viruses. I’m sure I’ll be back to my power armor in the future though.

Ahh, I assumed this was related to the problem/system with the L1 guns being the best in the game. That one was due to wanting new javelins feeling strong and not anemic.

I do think it’s a missed opportunity not to provide slots for melee and ultimate items, though. It’s a looter for chrissake! Let me find items that alter up my melee and ultimates and then as a bonus they don’t have to play any scaling games. :)

Anthem is a good, but flawed game, and it could easily become a great one. People forget that The Division was in terrible shape when it launched, and it only took off seven months later with the 1.4 patch. People are dismissing Anthem after playing for (a bit over) seven days.

I’m backburnering Anthem for a while, as I’m close to the end of the loot curve with my two main javelins, and the odds of making any progress during a play session are too low to be interesting. But I totally catassed the game for a while, so that’s partly on me :) I’m happy to go play other stuff for now.

Yeah… there are dozens of things like this, features other games in this genre already have, and problems those games have already solved. Yet we’re watching Bioware slowly climb the learning curve of multiplayer games, seemingly unaware of what their competitors have done and are doing.

The bigger flaw is the lack of community building tools. There’s literally no way to communicate in most situations. No guilds, no tracking of who you recently played with and might want to friend, a clumsy friends list, no text chat to form guilds, no official forums, few people use VOIP. This is a multiplayer game, where the players only talk on Discord and reddit. What percentage of the player base is that?

I assume success in the AAA gaming industry is more about marketing than the actual product. In most other industries, a blissful ignorance of best practices and customer expectations will tank your market share faster than you can say “Not Invented Here” syndrome.

Some thoughtful ideas on broken power levels of Anthem loot system:

Heart of Rage just disappeared from my choices to pick. Any idea how to fix this?

Yep… Have someone on your friends list invite you to a squad, then start a mission there. That’s the official workaround, and I can confirm it works for Tyrant’s Mine.

The other option is to do a quickplay stronghold and finish it that way.

Thanks. Got it back with QuickPlay.

Ran 3 GM2 runs through Heart of Rage and Tyrant Mine successfully. Totally disrespects your time for no improvement in loot. Just more redundant MWs and still drops blue and purple. Went in as javelin score 746/732/690.