Anthem - BioWare's take on Destiny

PC Gamer sending some positive vibes Bioware’s way.

That didn’t seem too bad. ;)

I mean it could have said , dear developers plz go commit seppuku.

Four months, no text chat still.

Eff that game and any goodwill BioWare had left over from before. “Hey deaf mute players, we can’t be arsed to put in a standard feature of multiplayer online games since the 1990s.”

Even I can’t even muster up the effort to care about trawling for (negative, it’s all going to be negative anyways) news about Anthem anymore.

I put in about a dozen hours into The Division 2 and it’s amazing how its layers of complexity and QOL (a lot of the UI UX feels like super high quality well thought out WoW add-ons from back in the day) is amazing. I thought I’d be quickly bored with modern guns but the gunplay is varied, loot itemization constantly fresh and different playstyles viable with different builds and abilities. About the only thing I’m not a fan of at all is the story and setting: I’m not a fan of Tom Clancy’s gung-ho military setting. Even the limited number of interactions you can do for missions is still kept constantly fresh and not quickly exposed for the 3 variations of stand in wifi that Anthem has. Everything is just 1000x more competently designed AND implwmentioned. Yes, I haven’t reached endgame and its reported bad loot itemizarion yet but everything in the first dozen hours shows a great extensible foundation to put more content on as part of one of the those live services roadmaps they are all the rage.

My enthusiasm for this is all despite my loathing of the setting and premise. Hokey, jingoistic premise intact, even its ham-fisted story and characters drove the missions along. I even grew to not hate the story delivered over radio chatter since even that was offset with in-person story character moments. This all worked better than meaningless “lore” that merely served as window dressing for Anthem.

I won’t even comment on the complete lack of social tools or structures to foster community or team play Anthem still lacks.

One example of polish: looting/action button not canceling after you initiate holding it down if it moves out of your cursor view

Happy Monday, Bioware. 🤗

Garbage game got another garbage patch today fixing nothing. 1/3 of the way into their “first” year of uh “live service” milestone, yay!

Matchmaking - We’ve made some additional improvements to our matchmaking experience by enabling longer timers for players to match into a squad, while also fixing a bug from a previous update that forced some players to matchmake for longer than intended. The new max limit for matchmaking should take no longer than 90 seconds

This sounds interesting. So if you can not find a party in 90 seconds it does what?

Previously it kicked you into a solo instance, and allowed players to join.

So chances are this time it will time out after 90 seconds and not give you an instance at all? :-)

considering how many times they’ve broken this without addressing the actual problem of no players playing left, i have no confidence that this patch will do anything except reintroduce old bugs.

Between Andromeda and Anthem, I am skeptical of pre-ordering now.

That must be some kind of comeback record! 8 years!

Welcome back!

Also, agreed.

Welcome back! And I don’t blame you. :)

lol thanks, I’ve been stewing about this for 8 years!

/gets back to maintaining his lawn

From recent interview with clueless EA CEO MBA bro-dude Andrew Wilson:

“One of BioWare’s biggest challenges was also one of its key selling points: there is something in Anthem for different kinds of players. After about 40 hours of playtime, these different groups began to experience friction with each other and the content. The result was diminishing enjoyment over longer play times.”

Uh. No text chat no social tools. Bad connectivity, servers, net code and shitty client stability. Literally nothing to do with clearly exposed time sinks meant to delay like the tombs and champion of Tarsis challenges.

I’m trying to remember, how many hours did you log in Anthem, Rei?

Eh, isn’t he just “more positively” saying that it doesn’t know what kind of game it is? I don’t remember much friction with other players. To be fair, it is hard to have friction when you can’t communicate. Friction with the content sure. Since no matter the play style, you wonder where the rest of “that sort of game” is?

I still think it would work fine as a hybrid. But the game sub-system, parts are mismatched and don’t work well with each other. You’d want to solve that.

And if they have as much spaghetti code as I expect, solving anything may not be economical. Pity as the movement is fun, and like I said I think a hybrid of the system they had could work. And as many others have said, the solutions to the parts that aren’t working well have mostly been solved in other games.

Too many which makes all my complaints magically valid. Recovering from hospital surgery and being jobless sucks. I should blame Ambien / Anthem. Also gonna claim at least half of those hours are when Anthem.exe remained in running in memory after the crashes.

The champion of Tarsis grind required doing each of the only 3 dungeons 333 times each.

Your complaints are indeed valid, though they sometimes seem like mean-spirited dancing on a grave. And it’s hardly the first time I’ve seen it, but I will never understand how a gamer can spend hundreds of hours with a game and then turn against it so viciously. I’m always left wondering why the heck you played it so, so much if you think it’s dreadful. People are wired differently! Plus a lot of games have this stupid end-game thing to deal with now. It’s not enough to be fun for 100 hours, it has to be fun for 800.