
It was more your incredible fog lifting than anything else. I made a couple of errors but by the time you got into the first party, it was game over.

:) Yes I do make good use of the Saboteur for scouting.

It’s a good job I read that line because I was JUST about to flip a table. Seriously Kosc, you get all the best buildings! Hacking, obviously.

@Zebracadabra that was a horrible map for you. You have my sympathy!

I know you’re joking, but after losing a countless number of games in a row to lordkosc, he certainly is an expert at making all the buildings around him the best buildings.

Hush @belouski , look in this last game I let you have the entire left side of the map!

Mr. Nullhart has a friend behind him, waiting to give me the last VP.
Sadly I couldn’t get any boat action going this time around.

gg, @lordkosc. It sure was a long and brutal one. The critical mistake I mentioned in my PM was forgetting to sabotage your Chapel in the east. I had plenty of gold, but just forgot.

I still think something needs to be done with Truant Officers, Assassins, and Charity. The first two are too affordable after the mid-game and the latter is a go-to to fund them in the late-game. Does a light building have a chance to spawn a small coin bag after it’s completely emptied out? I could swear I’ve seen this happen.

Maybe now I’ll spring for Brut@l to give my brain a rest from this game!

Again, very well played, and by far my toughest victory.

Yeah, once I saw I had the church, I spent all 4 thief moves I had trying to find 1 lantern to get the assassin unlocked, no luck sadly. I see you got the final kill VP, I am glad we stuck with it, it ended on a nail biter for me. :)

My toughest and closest game ever.

And it looks like I get to be the guinea pig :)

Relevant to the discussion of un-do in the other thread: I just wasted my last thief move this turn by not noticing that I was clicking OK to 'Scout" rather than my intended ‘Burgle’. Not sure what could be done to the UI to make that more obvious - I probably just need to get into the habit of always, always, always double-checking each click.

Thinking more about the misstep my thief made, and I wonder if there might be a path-finding issue. I had scouted the estate along the path where you can see my gang. I then brought the gang in by the same path to dispatch the henchman at the door. When I clicked on the estate to steal the painting, it instead had me scout the path behind the estate. Now maybe I clicked in the wrong place, but I play full screen on a fairly large monitor, so I expect that I clicked pretty well dead center in what looks like the depiction of the estate. Either I clicked on the banner in some place that was actually assigned to the square behind, or perhaps the path-finding algorithm saw the gang (even though it is my own) and wanted to go in the other door.

My mistake also suggests a possible UI tweak. Instead of showing the to-be-scouted path in blue, which blends in pretty well with the overall palette of the game, especially when it is just one square and that square is partially hidden by a building, how about red? And instead of a blue haze around a selected building, maybe a different color? Even better would be a zoom-out, but that might be more than you’re willing to do :)

I’ve definitely had clicks register as behind a building rather than on it. It seems the clickable space is only the diamond-shaped tile of ground under the building. In particular, the building’s name banner would seem like an obvious place to click, but it all registers to surrounding tiles.

@lordkosc gg sir! That was a nasty game of blocking and bullying with thugs and gangs. I made some deep truancy officer attacks on your tradehouses as early as possible to mitigate your lantern generation. I also tried to make sure my thugs were hemming you in as much as possible. This game I took lantern charity quite often as my bank and church, as well as a gang levelled for money making, meant I didn’t need coin so much. I had a hunch you were going to hit my bank towards the end so I trapped it and caught your truancy officer out – that must have been costly because I know you were strapped for coin.

Yep, very little went right for me this game, I don’t think going double gang is my play style. And in my 3 games so far, picking double gang has actually caused me to lose. heh…

It also didn’t help you had the gang upgrade in the lower portion of the map. :p

No, going double tradehouse is your play style! ;-)

Anyone else wanting a game? Send me an invite!

I’ll start Season 2 today!

Looks like I timed out on my games. I didn’t even know that could happen! Sorry, I think I’ve created new games to replace all those I had running.

@Goatgoatgoat: @lordkosc and I encountered a bug on Masquerade where a gang tried hitting an estate henchmen (approaching from the top/top-right) but was caught out by a trap causing the gang to jump to the opposite side of the estate (so ending up below/bottom-left). I think it was an art estate. I forgot to mention it sooner but if you need any more specifics let us know.

I our game, as soon as I saw you make 3 attacks in one turn I figured I’d better rush to double-gang myself. Luckily I had enough lanterns to do the 2 upgrades needed on the very same turn. Then it so happened that I was in a position to take out both of your gangs. Whatever disadvantage there is to losing the first gang battle is probably much magnified if it is losing the first 2-gang vs 2-gang battle.

But as you kept saying in-game, my win had a lot to do with keeping an upgraded bank from the early game all the way til the end. You kept in it for quite some time by consistently generating the 8gp needed for an assassin every turn, but I was gradually squeezing you out of your remaining buildings all the while.

Thanks for the report! I’ll look into it.

The obvious solution to this is that @geggis has to stop using traps against me. :)

Okay. No more traps. Honest.