Anyone had a hip replaced?

Let us know how you are doing!

Good luck! The big metal pin in my knee waves hi!

So far so good. The operation went off without a hitch yesterday and I’ve been in the hospital recovering since then (as we planned). I should be discharged today so I will soon be able to resume my duties of sitting in my recliner and doom scrolling the Internet.

Excellent to hear. No floss dancing for a while. Enjoy your rest, man!

I am interested in hearing how recovery goes and what Physical Therapy they might do etc. I hope yo are back in your recliner soon!

No sir. Get yo ass out of that chair and get moving.

Glad to hear it went well! Listen to your doctors (and any PTs you may engage with) and make that recovery.

That’s great, not looking forward to my eventual hip replacement. I was told at the age of 9 I would eventually need one, but so far it’s only been minor pain.

I always thought I would end up with one but so far it hasn’t been a problem.

It is surprising how quick people recover from both hip and knee replacement surgery. Do what you doctor says and don’t skimp on the physical therapy.

Happy to hear it went well.

I think knee replacement is way worse than hip replacement. I know people who have been out of bed from hip replacement surgery in a couple of days and walking and running freely within weeks. The NYC Hospital for Special Surgery makes a sort of assembly line out of it, but they seem to do an excellent job despite the throughput.

That is true. the Occupational Therapy person said to me today “the pain will increase in a few days” and then she found out I had a hip replaced, not a knee, and she said “never mind!”

Probably the best Nevermind ever!