Anyone have the Gamestop PC Downloads app working on Windows 10?

Trying to get this to work on Windows 10 Pro. It refuses to, gives me an error message that it can’t start an elevated process or something like that.

I’ve tried running the install as admin and running the app as admin, no luck. It will let me log in, but will not acquire the list of games I have on the app. It’s not many, but there are a couple there that I can’t find anywhere else. Anyone been able to get this functioning on Win10Pro?

Gamestop’s “support” basically was like, “yeah, that sucks.”

It’s working fine for me on Windows 10 Home. I had to go through a bunch of rigamarole to get it working on my Windows 8 machine (before upgrading to 10). But I don’t know that it gave me that particular error. I constantly have to re-login with the app to see everything that is available, but sounds like that’s not your problem either. Sorry, not much help, other than to say that it does run for someone.

My install from 8.1 Pro continues to work in 10 Pro when I just checked now.

What’s the error? I recall having to trick its temp/install folders or something way back when.