Anyone want to play a game of chess?

cool, I joined the QT3 team.

Join request submitted.

Joining qt3 on lichess. I will finish my current games on, then jump ship for the rematches.

Current members:

Six is enough for a tourney of sorts, perhaps we could get to eight and do a best-of-three pairings sort of thing?

Ok, ill join up tomorrow if thats ok.

@tylertoo There are different tournament formats on lichess already available. A round robin, where everybody plays against everybody. Or a so called suisse tournament. That’s usually good if you have more than 10-15 players and don’t want to play everybody against everybody.

I would prefer a round robin. With 6 players, that’s 5 rounds then. Or a double round robin (10 rounds playing each player with black and white). Lichess will handle the pairings and scoring.

I’d be up for that. Some of you are most definitely capable of kicking my ass. I challenge those to autocannons at angels 12.

ey, @schurem What did you have for breakfast? The game we are playing on is really good, I mean you play really well! No obvious mistakes so far.

There is a sying in chess. If you play against newcomers, take them into an endgame. That’s my plan at the moment ;)


Sounds good. I will fiddle around with it tonight. When Razgon joins, we will have seven. Anyone want to join to be an eighth for even pairings (although maybe an odd number doesn’t matter with round robins?).

what time format should we play? 1 move per day or an online tournament of 5 minute games? I don’t care … if we play live online, we would need 2-3 hrs at a special time/date when everybody is available.

I’d prefer 1 move per day and a casual pace, but I’m to trying it live online. I would think online would be very difficult given schedules and time zones.

We’re all over the globe aint no way but this way to do this.

I joined the lichess group. Would definitely be up for a tourney, so that you can farm me for ELO points.

Thanks. After Razgon joins, we’ll have 8. Unfortunately lichess doesn’t allow for round robins. It does allow for swiss tournaments. I’m not clear on how it would work but maybe others do. As I understand it, it would be a faster tourney but not everyone would play the other seven. I can try setting that up after Razgon joins, or we could just set up games in a true robin robin with a spreadsheet. I’m more interested in the former.

I think 2-3 days per move would be great, too. I hope the lichess tournament format support offline time formats. Otherwise, I coud offer to handle the scoring and pairings.

Request sent

OK I joined up

I have been watching Queen’s Gambit which has got me wanting to play games again. Joined as Selfoss on Lichess.

I dug up some old chess books and found this one.

Which has one of my favourite chess puzzles. Don’t cheat - this is a great puzzle to work out. Answers in spoilers tags please!

This is what Nabokov said about this puzzle (Again, try work through this before reading!)

> I remember one particular problem I had been trying to compose for months. There came a night when I managed at last to express that particular theme. It was meant for the delectation of the very expert solver. The unsophisticated might miss the point of the problem entirely, and discover its fairly simple, ‘thetic’ solution without having passed through the pleasurable torments prepared for the sophisticated one. The latter would start by falling for an illusory pattern of play based on a fashionable avantgarde theme (exposing White’s King to checks), which the composer had taken the greatest pains to “plant” (with only one obscure little move by an inconspicuous pawn to upset it). Having passed through this “antithetic” inferno the by now ultra-sophisticated solver would reach the simple key move (**********) as somebody on a wild goose chase might go from Albany to New York by way of Vancouver, Eurasia and the Azores. The pleasant experience of the roundabout route (strange landscapes, gongs, tigers, exotic customs, the thrice-repeated circuit of a newly married couple around the sacred fire of an earthen brazier) would amply reward him for the misery of the deceit, and after that, his arrival at the simple key move would provide him with a synthesis of poignant artistic delight. I remember how slowly I awoke from an unconscious state of concentrated brooding about chess and in front of me, on the large English chess board of bright yellow and scarlet leather, there was finally the immaculate position, like a constellation just formed. It worked. It was alive.’

White to move I suppose.

1 b7-b8+ (underpromote to a bishop on b8, check) d7-d6+ (check by rook g7)
2 Bh8xg7# (checkmate)

Here’s what I got:

  1. Bxg7+ Bxg7
  2. Rxg5+ Kd6
  3. Qc5+ Kc7
  4. b8, promote to Queen, checkmate

Wait, that’s four moves. I just noticed the text that says mate in two. But a win is a win!