Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom - Just keep swimming!

I think it’s pretty funny that this trailer came out like a day ago and no one even cared enough to post it.

Director James Wan and Aquaman himself, Jason Momoa—along with Patrick Wilson, Amber Heard, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II and Nicole Kidman—return in the sequel to the highest-grossing DC film of all time: “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.”

That doesn’t look all that bad, honestly. I can’t recall if I ever saw the first movie or not… I know I’ve seen snippets of it on HBO here and there.

How do they know this? It’s not released yet?

I keep looking at that trailer screenshot and picturing Momoa with 8 pectorals and 8 nipples.

It’s a clumsy sentence, and I see how you’d parse it like that, but just in case the question was serious rather than a joke… There’s three facts in that sentence:

  • These are the names of the directors and cast returning for this sequel
  • The last Aquaman movie was the highest grossing DC movie so far
  • The name of this movie is “Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom”

Thanks! It was a joke though. I feel confident that the structure of the sentence does not work like that, and that what they are really saying, literally, is what I wrote, due to the “:”.

Anyways - just a bit of pedantic fun, but I appriciate the sentiment :-)

I liked the first one. But this one just looks terribad. After the trailer, I may not see this in theaters.

I mean, I freaking saw Morbius in the theater. I grew up on comics and can find things to enjoy in most superhero movies. I enjoyed The Flash and think it got a bad rap.

But this looks like a crapload of boring CGI supporting a really uninteresting story.

No red carpet premiere. No launch afterparty.

WB is just doing some fan/press screenings.

A marked difference from The Flash or even Blue Beetle.

How bad must Catwoman have been for them to shelve that but release this movie?!?

Now that the ‘tide’ has perhaps turned on these super hero flicks I kinda feel bad for all the crew who put so much effort into them. Mamoa, Kidman, etc, looking so darned earnest as they rocket their way through the water like mach 2 missiles with zero fluid resistance, fighting what seems to be the most generic bad guy possible. I’m not sure what kind of moral complexity and genre subversion you could ever get away with doing an invulnerable underwater demi-god who lives in a futuristic underwater Royal bloodline ruled techno-utopia, but it would have been interesting if they tried… what I see in this trailer looks like another superhero flop. But then again, it’s punch-punchy like other ones people have liked, so I guess we’ll see. But the first one, I thought, was already boring, and numbing. Rick and Morty covered this ground in the one minute opener of s6:e8 (oh was that Namor? Whatever)

Catwoman was notoriously bad but released in theaters. I think you meant Batgirl.

You are 100% correct. Thanks!

Whooo boy. Reviews are dropping for this and they’re mixed to rough.

  • Disjointed
  • Obvious spots where material was cut/revamped
  • Clunky dialogue
  • Way too long
  • Main baddie gets sorta sidelined (and is a bit of a bait and switch)

I scanned the summaries of the positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes to see if it might have some element of delight.

I’m left with a conundrum:

  • It sounds like it’s an okay way to kill a couple of hours of the holidays enjoying some big-screen low-expectations action, and the humor keeps it from getting too boring.
  • However, I do not want this apparent mess to make more money than The Marvels, which should have done dramatically better than it did. So I don’t want to contribute financially to this one doing better than it should.


Maybe see if the Marvels is still showing in your area… and rewatch it instead?

“tHE mARveLs BomBeD BEcAuSE tHey wEnt WokE”

Well, I got my wish!

(And the movie ended up being Wonka, because my girlfriend wanted to see it, and next weekend is the new Miyazaki…)