Archwing and chill in Warframe's new instanced open-world areas

Digital Extremes has announced Landscapes for Warframe, hand-crafted open world instances with an MMO-style hub town with NPC quests and a day and night cycle.

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That sounds awesome. Warframe has been improving steadily since release. It was a good game, but it’s now in a much better place than it was a few years ago. And apparently it will get better and better.

I also have no doubts in my mind that Warframe is the best F2P game around - in fact, it’s the only one I’ve actually spent any real money on, and I did so because 1) the system they have in place feels very fair to me, and 2) I felt compelled to support the devs because the game is so good.

So yeah, looking forward to this.

That does look cool. I’ve never played Warframe though I almost have maybe half a dozen times. Then I think of all those games I haven’t played that I spent actual money on and I talk myself out of it.

You get to name your weapons, eh? Wonder how that will go.

I’m in a similar boat, except I already played Warframe a ton years ago. Do I return to it to check out the new stuff, or do I start playing Dawn of War 3, a game I paid for?

Warframe has changed (and improved) a lot through the years, so I’d say it’s well worth going back for. You can always play Dawn of War 3 until this open-world update comes out, if you prefer. ;)

Cant wait.

Impressive how much content they keep adding and still being F2P. Playing this and Destiny at same time, it seems strange how little that gets added in Destiny during the same time frame despite the extra cost. Still enjoy both though.

Dawn of War 3 is, in my opinion, very skippable.

If it was a $5 purchase on Humble Bundle or something, I’d agree, but I assume @Mercanis paid at least $30 for it. “Skipping it” seems a bit cavalier at this point.

Much as I enjoy Warframe, I think I enjoy the nodes-on-a-map more than I’d enjoy a big open world. It keeps the experience focused and bite-size, which I value.

I think both will be there, so you can pick and choose the one you prefer. More options - it’s good!

As with everything, in the infamous words of Winnie the Pooh, “Yes, both”.

There’s a free bundle on right now for people with Twitch Prime.

No idea if it’s any good, but I guess it’s about time I checked this out.

The warframe, Frost Prime, is an excellent choice for almost all content.

Indeed it is. Which is a shame, since I had 3 full sets in my vault ready to sell and was kinda hoping to get some extras from amazon prime->twitch prime>prime prime trial which didn’t work.