Assassin's Creed Mirage - Basim's prequel to Valhalla

Assassin’s Creed Infinity is the next big franchise revamp. It’s heavily focused on “Games as a Service” features. So lot’s of live events and probably “battle pass” type unlockables.

So Assassin’s Creed: Destiny?

Ha. Assassin’s Destiny suddenly seems very plausible.

Raise your hand if you think this is terrible and completed all content in Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla.

Impossible. There’s still live service stuff going on in Valhalla every few weeks.

And the Prince of Persia sands of time remake is nowhere to be seen still

Still no ass creed: Kyoto either. Wait Ghost of lTsushima already exists

But it’s so superior to the non-RPG titles!


I didn’t make it through the mythology DLC’s and have yet to play Valhalla because I don’t have a computer that will run it but I’m raising my hand in spirit, nevertheless, because the RPG AC’s revitalized what for me was a dead series by that point.

Good news for those who loved the recent AC games, there is still a seemingly infinite number of generic third person open world action adventure games you can play!

Something I’ve noticed lately about The AssCreed games (Including Immortals) is that the basic version of the latest few don’t ever get cheap. They start bundling them with the DLCs for sales, or bundling the base versions with other games- for example, neither the base game of Immortals or Valhalla has gotten cheap (less than $20 or so) but you can buy them together regularly for $36. At least on consoles. This seems new to me.

I only ever finished AC 2.

Played a few of them quite a bit but not to completion. My favorite aside from 2 has been Syndicate, though I recently started getting into Origins after a few failed attempts. Waiting for a next gen update to Syndicate to replay it.

Unity got a bad (and well deserved) rap at release, but all patched up and on new consoles, it runs really well. Gameplay is fine, but main character is pretty bland. It is still the prettiest AC, but least memorable story wise from what I played.

AC 3, Black Flag and Valhalla I started but didn’t get far in.

Never did play the first game.

I dunno, it seems about right compared to other AC games. 18-24 months in it hits sale prices of around $25, or $40ish for the ultimate edition with the season pass.

Looks like Valhalla did the same from a quick glance at price history on DekuDeals.

Immortals is on Gamepass too. Along with Origins.

Y’all should check out Syndicate (though not on PS5, where it doesn’t work properly). It’s one of my favorites.

Syndicate is probably still my favorite Assassin’s Creed game, though I really enjoyed Valhalla. I guess I’m in a rare position to enjoy either style of gameplay, OG Creed or the new RPG stuff, which I also enjoy. I’m kind of cool either way. What I require is a good story, and I enjoyed the story of Syndicate, Black Flag, and Valhalla the most so far. EDIT: I’ve also enjoyed the time/setting for those three the most as well, but I also really enjoyed the setting in Origins as well.

I think Syndicate is @Knightsaber’s favorite as well, IIRC. I think it was his recommendation that made me buy it, even though I had a large AC backlog by that point.

I’m one of the people who always bounces off AC games but keep trying every couple of entries because none of the generic open world games are putting you in a quasi-historical world like AC does.

What’s the difference between a generic open world game and a non-generic open world game?

Or, what are the non-generic open world games?

The earlier AC games for example, which focused on movement in very large urban areas, filled with dense crowds and and buildings, felt unique. The later ones don’t seem to do a lot in terms of gameplay that you won’t find in say Ghost of Tsushima or Horizon, or even Far Cry.