Assassin's Creed Odyssey - It's time to Greek out

Preorders and newly released games is what it says when I look at it.

Is anyone else playing Alexios other than me? All of the praise I see from you guys about Kassandra is making me consider starting over… Alexios is fine but hasn’t been amazing thus far.

still sucking it down, but when i do fire it up, its Kassandra for me, not a shadow of a doubt in my mind!

It doesn’t hit that TW3 level of awesomeness.

But in trying to get there and falling short here and there, it’s still a terrific game.

Why is Kassandra so cool?

I’ve been watching a variety of streams. I’m asking the streamers how they think of the voice acting for Alexios and/or Kassandra, and who they prefer in cases where the streamer has tried out both.

Alexios has universally received a neutral response. He isn’t bad, but doesn’t stand out either. Personally, I’m not hearing a whole lot of pitch change to his dialogue which results in Alexios sounding pretty flat.

Kassandra however is mostly praised. She appears to just have more personality and nuance to the VO. Her “angry” or “sarcastic” lines sound snappier to me.

The mo-cap and actual lines appear to be almost exactly the same for both. I read somewhere that claimed that the mo-cap was originally based off of Kassandra and ported over to Alexios, but I don’t know if that is true (I find it doubtful).

Here is an interview with both voice actors and they are awesome people

Yeah, I played as Alexios for a bit to see if there were any noticeable changes (there weren’t) between him or Kassandra.

And Alexios is just fine. If you want to play as Alexios, you totally should! The guy who plays him is decent at the voice work.

For my own personal choice, I felt like I’d played a lot of characters who looked and talked like Alex. Kassandra was something different. That’s about as much thought as I put into it.

I haven’t tried Alexios and I will most likely play him on a second playthrough down the road. I am just having a blast playing the story through the Kassandra lens.

I will say that there is something about the Assassin’s Creed mythos that works well with female protagonists. In Syndicate, I found Evie Frye more compelling than Jacob. I can’t even remember the name of the main character in Origins (Bayek?). I liked him fine but his wife seemed to stand out more.

For Twitch Prime members, they have some free additions for Odyssey:

I need to get some Spartan training or something. I am terrible at combat in this game. I keep looking at the scenery then some wolf or something kills me. Note to self: Run.

Stick them with the pointy end!

I knew the Greek isles would be pretty but … wow. Maybe I’ll just run around and get an exploration level. I hate to say this but when something kills my Kassandra I almost get really mad! Durn shark!

Although I’m way too early in the game to compare it in terms of greatness to Witcher 3, the Witcher 3 inspiration in the design of this game is really obvious, in many ways. The role of Kassandra/Alexios - a mercenary mostly used to kill “monsters” - only makes it that much more obvious. ;)

I will go out on a limb here and say this --as a female – Kassandra is unique. Her voice, her accent, her facial expressions. I have gone on record here saying I am a “Bethesda Girl” (meaning I like to make my own character) but I love Kassandra. She may not be historically accurate (I have a hard time imagining this era being open minded re: woman) but she is empowering. I plan on killing that shark. And those wolves.

And sweet Jesus this game is wonderful to look at.

As I fumble around in this game one thing makes me mad as hell: How come Fallout 4 had all those load times in buildings – and this game just lets you waltz into anything with NO load times. I am already writing my Congresswoman about it now.

The skyboxes in this game…

Makes me weep it looks so good.

Very Quiet on the greek front tonight… PM is there a good Gallipoli game that incorporates both the naval and landing failures?

My Kassandra admitted those were scary fuckers and climbed one of the stele’s and shot em all to hades with her bow. Fuck you mr Jaws.

Now that first mercenary dude, that was a hard fight. In the end I stopped taking him head-on but ran off after hitting him to make a backstab and run off again. His final sliver of health I took with the bow. Nobody fucks with Kassandra! (he was one lvl above at the time)

The fight merged with the fight in the sick, burned village. Awful setting to be fighting for dear life.