Assassin's Creed Odyssey - It's time to Greek out

yeah as soon as I complained I was sure there was a toggle. Thx!

It definitely helped make “Exploration mode” feel more explore-y to me!

I need to not see any computer stuff in the game if possible. And it is beautiful (as those screenshots show). I was lurking around that lumber camp when the sun came up and just said “Holy Crap”.

Plus to UBISOFTS benefit (I guess) it plays very smooth.

Who else is playing with a controller? I have just decided not even to be an archer. Too hard to aim.

To be fair, Origins looked pretty good too!

I’m on PS4 Kristi and using the controller. I find it pretty easy to archer tbh. What problems are you having?

The HDR doesn’t come through in the screenshots either, it’s blasting bright in person.

(these Screenshots are from Origins)

It’s ridiculous how hot this room is getting. I think all cpu cores and the GPU are working hard…

End I think I need to switch my axis on vertical. I know It’s lame but I think that’s the problem. Still I like my swords in the guts with Kassandra. (Does that seem improper?)

Btw I am glad they went with a Kassandra that is a bit …. what’s the word? Realistic? She’s a bit … well flashbacks I love with her but … we this gal has some character.

Kassie has seen some stuff, as they say. The scars on her right arm, one on her lip.

The eye animation on her is tremendous. To wit: (spoilers if you haven’t finished Chapter 2)

You always read in books about someone’s eyes “blazing”, but how do you capture that in CG animation? But the scene where Kassandra (in my choice, anyway) elects to let Nikolaos go to face “his own ghosts”, her eyes are absolutely ablaze. It’s an incredible bit of animation.

Agreed. Origin’s skill tree still was mostly “meh, I’ll take this I guess” for me, which is a problem I have in a lot of Ubisoft games. Odyssey is probably the first one where I feel like I don’t have nearly enough skill points to get all the stuff I want.

Trig I only noticed the scars on her arms. I am looking forward to know her better. I am so glad there is a female lead here.

Btw and I love my deserts (a Lawrence of Arabia movie quote mismashed) … but to be truly fair AC: O looks better than that. But let’s see how it goes.

So, level 15, about 14 hours in, and just got my second “present world” scene. It was short, insightful, and funny (and easily skippable if one wants to). Layla is a cool character.

Anyway, got back to Kassandra and another twist happened. I’m loving this game.

So another reason why I prefer the Odyssey world to the Origins one is kind of inherent to the setting. Feel free to disagree with me here, but I look at that screenshot from Enidigm of the vast desert and it’s incredibly beautiful…but it feels forbidding to me, too. “Nothing is here. This very land wants to kill you.”

I look out at the vistas of Odyssey, and they all seem to be offering me an invitation: “Come climb this mountain. Come see what’s over here. Sail this way and explore me.”

And as ever, I want to go to there.

I’m impressed to see that they actually modeled Kassandra’s breasts, though still a bit sad about all the graphical weirdness. When I was talking to Markos his torso usually just looked like weird red hollow glitching. And sometimes I have a bald Kassandra, or bald with one ringlet of hair. (And if anyone has any idea what causes this to happen, please let me know. It also happened in DX:HR occasionally.)

Wily – uh ok. I think you have something wrong. I get no glitches like that at all. And my Kassandras “breasts” are just fine. I have no idea why that’s happening to you.

Btw I killed the first mercenary. or well … I had help in … well spoiler. Truth is he killed me 6 times before.

hey btw there is a Rome 2 dlc on this very period. Seems boring at first but one of the nice things about it is you can click on any of the cities and it will give you a history. Turned out to be one of my favorites!

yeah : “Wrath of Sparta” --no chickens LK. Was a decent dlc if the tactical part was sorta samey.

Speaking of tactics, seeing hoplites fight individual duels during the big battle scene broke immersion bigtime for me. That is not how the Greeks fought.

They have the big huge (and very heavy) round shields, and very heavy bronze armor and helmets, but they fight like vikings or something. It makes no sense.

Bronze of sufficient strength to be worth anything as armor is far heavier than the steel used for later armor. This makes it almost impossible to wear for extended periods. Those phalanx battles were short, nasty and brutish and mostly involved a lot of shoving.

I love Kassandra. She’s no girlie, but she’s no dude with a woman’s skin either. She’s Kassandra and she’s the role model I want for my daughter. Tho I’d prefer it if she (my daughter) wouldn’t go about shoving 8-foot spears in peoples’ guts!

Classicists on twitter who also play games is my favourite twitter

Schruem I am torn a bit. Certainly what you are referring to is “hoplite” warfare (where the “hop” I guess refers to the shield). I complained about this very thing about two months ago in this thread, However… I recall one very good expert in ancient (bronze age) Greek warfare coming to the defense of single combat. Plus while this is some centuries later, Homer talks about single combat among heroes. I wish I could recall what that was called …. “Arista?”

I guess as I started to play Kassandra the last few days I thought : "ok so this is what it must be like in the greek world just a bit. People lead their lives, debt collectors need some muscle, and there is a normalcy that could be the equivalent of GTA IV: Ancient Greece. " Then some leader gathers the warriors up and puts them in a line. And that’s a battle.

What doesn’t seem to ring true in the game is that we believe that a “phalanx” formation and the use of the “hoplon” was organized, trained, and in groups. In other words where the heck is Kassandra’s shield?

I’ve suspended my disbelief a little because of two things: Kassandra as a character is fascinating and the world created here is pretty damn fantastic.

Yeah, I was fine with the magic spear, the jumping off really high statues into a pile of leaves and walking away unscathed, and riding on horseback standing up while shooting arrows behind me. But shit. The hoplites really broke the immersion by not fighting realistically.

Its just not Greek. The rest is all deliciously Grecian, but not those pitched battles.

That’s encouraging. Can you elaborate? I thought the skill tree was the weakest part of Origins (as an AC game, anyway). It seems to be a trend for recent action adventure games with RPG trappings - the Tomb Raider skill trees have been particularly lacklustre.