Assassin's Creed Odyssey - It's time to Greek out

What cpu?

intel i7 6700K 4GHz

I’m always torn how I should play these. I was passing a lake and thought - something has got to be down there. I scouted with my eagle and sure enough, there was a bunch of treasure. It felt kinda cheap to find it that way. I wonder if I’d like it more if I just jumped in and took a look. Super eagle vision always feels a bit cheesy. It doesn’t feel quite as bad using it to scout out some enemies, but even that feels like too much of a crutch.

Do you guys like to use the eagle?

Yep all the time, I do main quest and when I fancy a change I pick something that looks interesting and off I go, be it a quest or a location or somewhere I fancy exploring more

I don’t know how I’d ever find anything without the eagle in Origins. Seriously. It may be a crutch, but it’s a lot better than the alternative.

Apologies in advance for not having read the entire thread and these things might have been covered before.

I finished this over the weekend. The only other AC game I’ve played was Black Flag, so I don’t exactly have much to compare this to within the series.

I guess at some point it stopped being a stealth game, I got that much from previous comments, and though I do kind of miss the tail-the-bad-guy-and-eavesdrop-on-his-conversation missions from Black Flag I can do without them. It’s really weird having traversal and movement not be a thing though. I don’t like the other extreme of Skyrim, where a knee-high wall can stop your movement entirely, but if there’s a waypoint 10 km away in Odyssey, holding down the A button and pushing forward will get you there eventually unless you’re unlucky enough to run into a tree that you have to walk around. And the cool thing in the previous games where you would synchronize and then do a graceful dive off the vantage point into a pile of hay or whatever still exists in Odyssey but I have no idea why, because if you jump off in the other direction you do a somersault in midair and then land cleanly on a huge marble slab without taking any damage, so why did you need something to land in? And I liked the shanty mini-events where you had to chase a piece of paper along trees and rooftops.

Not that I would have done it if there was, but looking at an achievement guide, there should have been something for converting the whole map to Athenian or Spartan control. Could you even kill the second Spartan king?

Seriously, they got rid of falling damage? That’s new, Origins still had it.

If you fall far enough while riding your horse your horse can die and be temporarily unavailable, but no falling damage for you. Actually, now that I think about it, there’s falling damage at low character levels but fairly early in the game it stops happening.

They pretty much got rid of falling. You could still leap to your death, but from level 20 you don’t take damage from that either.

Also it’s weird that you can swim across the ocean but if you try to take a fishing boat it’ll capsize. I was impressed with how big the waves get while swimming in the open ocean though, I could definitely see it making me seasick.

If you try swimming a serious distance you’re not guaranteed to make it :/

k i7 is good. ac origins + odyssey eats threads/cores for lunch. more than 4 is needed for above 30 fps.

because a shark will chomp you or for some other reason? Will pirates fire on you? For whatever reason I never encountered a shark while swimming on the surface, though I did occasionally see shark fins while on the Adrestia.

Sharks will attack on the surface, yes :)

One of the very first side quests is to retrieve something from a sunken temple that has sharks swimming around it.

There are trees you have to walk around?

That does require an upgrade, to be fair.

Please tell me that Odyssey preserved the whole “trap the alert brazier” thing from Origins. There’s nothing more satisfying than stealthing into a camp, trapping the brazier, and then having some schmuck blow himself to smithereens trying to summon reinforcements.

Oh, it’s there. And watching that trap blow up is indeed immensely satisfying.

It might actually be my favorite thing in the whole game.

I still worry about the scripted stuff, though. I’ve enjoyed Origins enormously but several of the scripted action sequences have been frustrating and awful and almost made me ragequit. They’re nothing like the “real” game and just get in the way. It’s the only thing keeping me from jumping on Odyssey at this point.

Seems the previous rumor about the next game being set in Rome may be wrong. Here’s the latest: