Assassin's Creed: Origins - 2017, Ancient Egypt, hawk spotter drone

This picture was posted on Reddit. Possible AC Egypt.

It came from here, but the image was removed.

More rumors.

If I had a dollar for every time a Ubisoft game was described as the “biggest in the series EVER!”

Still I have always enjoyed most of these games warts and all.

Get it while you can!

And here’s a look at the protagonist on a t-shirt:

Ba Yek? Is that a name of the character, a location, a phrase?

That’s what folks on NeoGAF are saying.

Those same folks are saying that video is fake, though. Hard to say.

It could be, but why? The video doesn’t really show anything everyone already doesn’t know.

I don’t know why anyone does anything. :)


I will say it’s maybe telling that 3 or 4 hours later that video is still active. If it was a real leak I’d think Ubisoft would have taken that shit down by now.

EDIT - Also, on GAF it’s this guy’s Twitter that they know it’s fake (and this is in the comments on the video as well) but I don’t speak… French, seems like, so no idea.

Thanks Target!

From Microsoft’s E3:

  • A hawk buddy straight out of Far Cry that acts like a spotting drone.
  • Random loot

Pretty sure I saw a tiger-hide “rug” in the temple as he runs through. Do we need to do the Monty Python “A Tiger? In Africa?” bit here?

Here’s the Ubi Blog info dump.

Here’s some bits:

Stables are just one of four types of shops, too; you’ll also be able to visit blacksmiths for a continually updated selection of weapons and shields, weavers for new outfits, and bazaars for rare loot and mystery crates (which you can earn through daily quests).[/quote]

For the first time, Assassin’s Creed Origins seamlessly integrates underwater exploration with the rest of its world, letting you freely dive wrecks and underwater ruins in search of loot. [/quote]

More Far Cry stuff

If you prefer a more indirect approach, a well-aimed shot can break open the cages of captive lions or hyenas to create a deadly distraction.[/quote]

The hovering eagle-drone was hilarious.

Yep. I can see why they made it that way gameplay-wise, but it immediately made everyone I know go “Huh?”.

The announcement was a bit of a downhill ride for me. I really dig the setting and the graphics look really nice. But once the focus was on the gameplay, it felt a bit too familiar - and the loot addition doesn’t exactly thrill me. Also… combat simply doesn’t look good. It never was really AC’s strength, but now that I played Shadow of Mordor earlier this Spring, the difference felt jarring.

Dev blog:

Abut halfway in, they talk about combat, loot, and quests.

AC round robin combat is gone. It’s more like AC Unity. Freeform with different weapon ranges, etc.

I think that looked like a blast. I love the loot drops, the world felt really alive in the way the Witcher 3 did when he was trotting through town, the combat seemed pretty damned tight, it all worked for me. The eagle stuff looked like it would be really easy and fun to use, despite it not being really how eagles work. I mean, if you can accept the eagle psionically transmitting what he sees to the guy, it’s fine the bird’s hovering doesn’t induce motion sickness, right?