Assassin's Creed: Origins - 2017, Ancient Egypt, hawk spotter drone

I guess maybe it’s splitting hairs, but it didn’t look like the eagle was hovering so much as time could be slowed down, like when the player was in mid-jump but slowed time to fire an arrow at a guard.

This seems reasonable.

EDIT - It’s probably hovering. According to the Game Informer article, you hit up on the D pad to initiate the hawk (mode) and then while you are soaring around you can hold down LT to “hover”.

Also, I didn’t realize until skimming Game Informer this was the Black Flag team. BF was the first and still best AC game I played, and I got super into it, so I’m glad to play more of what that team has to offer.

Nope, bullet-time it ain’t. You can see that all NPCs are still moving at the same speed when the eagle stops. Your suggestion would have actually been a good way to handle this.

This being the black flag team makes very optimistic. BF was such a great entry and all my favorite.

I know I’ve seen seagulls use air currents to hover in place. Can hawks not do the same when the wind currents are appropriate?

Oh? That makes me interested in this. The setting itself is wonderful, but the gameplay is getting a bit stale by now. This is probably because I’ve played every single AC game, and every single Far Cry game, but… While a brand new world to discover in ancient egypt (Middle Kingdom?) is wonderful, it doesn’t matter if its just reskinning of the same old.

Kestrels hover. Maybe it’s a kestrel.

Any soaring bird can hover in a headwind.

Oh wait, are we going to do that thing with the airliner taking off in a headwind again? That was fun.

But Kestrels are known for hunting from a hover.

And I’m pretty sure there was some evidence that ancient Egyptians used kestrels in falconry?

Maybe it’s a really big hummingbird.

All that beige rock looks boring :/

I’m sure ancient Egypt did it’s best to colorize itself before it arrived in video games that would come along 4000+ years later.

They should have filmed in flood season man.

Holy fuck.

Seems reasonable.


That’s probably what the regular edition costs in Australia and Brazil anyway.

I’m embarrassed to admit I saw this on reddit.

Top comment: God’s edition doesn’t get the season pass?

I love how even the Legendary edition is missing some tchotchkes so OCD collectors will feel compelled to buy multiple editions.