Assassin's Creed: Origins - 2017, Ancient Egypt, hawk spotter drone

Origins has a shield for the main character, so I found it easier than any AC game before it, in terms of combat.

Origin is very similar in construction to Odyssey. The main differences are that you don’t have dialogue choices, there’s very little naval combat, (none of it is open ocean exploration) Egypt instead of Greece as a setting, and only the male player character.

I think the combat is easier in Origin, because poison and fire have much more potent effects against the enemy, plus the shield as @lordkosc mentioned. I believe tombs are much better in Origin, requiring actual puzzle-solving and exploration. Personally, I liked Egypt more than Greece, but both settings are good.

Also Origins has the smoke bomb, which has been the GG EZ tool in just about every AC game.

So I’m playing this, just going along and questing and all of a sudden this guy with spiky pink hair shows up out of a JRPG and this mecha thing comes flying over and I’m like WTF is this Final Fantasy shit doing in my AssCreed?!


For the record, I’ve never played a FF but that crazy hair is too distinctive.

All right, so follow along with my train of thought for a moment: I played Odyssey a bit due to being accepted into Google’s Project Stream, and I kind of liked it! But I was thinking how much more I’d like it on my Xbox, with a big TV, decent sound, a controller, that sort of thing. But then I started thinking, wait a minute, I never played Origins, I’ll be totally lost! OK probably not lost, but I’ve actually played all the AC games up to that point when I figured maybe I didn’t want to keep going. But Origin is on sale on the Xbox for $24 and I figure, probably as good a time as any! Right? Pretty decent game, you guys seem to be saying?

Yes! Play it!

OK, what the heck, sold.

The pyramids, etc are awesome!

That was a hard sell!

I have a dilemna. Also picked this up recently. But still have Unity and Syndicate unplayed. Wondering if I start Origin if it will spoil me for the previous 2 games. Heard so much negative stuff regarding Unity that I may just start with Syndicate.

I skipped those games as well and don’t feel like I’m missing anything. The modern - day protagonist has a computer with files on it that I assume summarizes what happened in those games. I say assume because I haven’t looked at them all. There are a lot and I gravitated to the files I recognized, like Desmond Miles.

I also find the modern - day protagonist to be terrible. I did read her personal notes. Her “AMA”, using hash tags in notes to herself, the way she talks to her coworker - I found her to be extremely unlikable. Fortunately after 60 hours in the game I’ve only spent about 30 minutes as her, and most of that was reading her files.

Aha, I have played these two games! And I really enjoyed Unity, I think it got a bad rap. I think its portrayal of Paris is amazing and quite beautiful. Plus it had these really cool murder scenes where you had to try to play Sherlock Holmes and figure out what happened there. The overall story isn’t all that much, pretty bargain basement Assassins Creed. And the DLC introduced one of my absolute favorite weapons - a mortar sort of thing with an axe blade bayonet attachment. You could really mess some folks up with that thing.

Syndicate has lots of defenders around here, but I thought it was merely ok. It had its moments, but I didn’t enjoy wandering around London as much I did Paris. I did like the two sibling protagonists though.


So my god guys, few games have grabbed hold of me the way this one has. I never really played any of the previous games, so after dabbling with Odyssey via Project Stream, I snagged this, and I am so glad I did. It’s so, so pretty:

Also, Bayek is a cat person! Yay kitties!

I might actually finish this one, you guys, and I rarely, RARELY finish games.

It’s great. But it’s huge. And it gets harder to maintain enthusiasm when you reach max level and get the best gear. I’m about 90% of the way through it. I hope. There are five zones on the world map I’ve never been to.

Do you mean you bought it, or got the free copy after Project Stream use?

I dunno, I love finding new places on the map and then clearing them out.

I bought this after playing Odyssey on Google Stream, not knowing we’d get a free copy later.

You should just go a a trip. The world’s the star…

Wait, are they giving away a copy of Origins or Odyssey?

Oh. Haha. Wrong ACO.

Thanks to @Chappers’ generosity I was checking this out last night. I’m not far enough into AC3 to compare to that game, so really, all my comparisons are with the first AC and with the Ezio trilogy.

First impressions: Wait, I’m just this guy already? Where is the Animus? Who is looking into his past ancestor here? This is the only thing that really bothered me. I wonder what happened to Desmond? (No, don’t answer that, I still plan on finishing AC3).

The graphics are gorgeous. Everything is set to the highest setting on my PC. In the starting tomb that was okay, but once I got to Babek’s (sp?) hometown, the framerate suffered.

I’m glad they have gotten better with the Level of Detail system for objects at a distance compared to Far Cry 3. Even on the highest settings, the trees that were more than a few feet away looked terrible in Far Cry 3. The effect was especially noticeable when you climbed a tower and looked around.

In AC: Origins, your camel crests a hill and you view your home town, and admittedly, some of the trees look really bad, but as you get a bit closer they look a lot better. It’s still not as good as Just Cause 2’s LoD system, but it’s much better than Far Cry 3’s.

The new fighting system is interesting. I personally love the early AC games’ system which is more hands off. It’s not Desmond (aka me) that’s the fighting expert, it’s Altair/Ezio, so it makes sense that I was not micromanaging his jumping and fighting all that much. But you can only go that well so many times, so I’m glad they’re changing the series over time. So far I’ve enjoyed the combat. I’m playing on Hard and haven’t had any trouble yet.

I also love that you can expertly climb down buildings now, not just upward.

Any advice on what settings to lower if my GPU is fine, but I have a slow CPU?