Assassin's Creed: Origins - 2017, Ancient Egypt, hawk spotter drone

Nah, taking a break to avoid burnout.

Two important things to know for helping you play as Kassassin: body dumping is important. (There’s a skill in the Assassin’s tree that you can put points in that makes bodies disappear, but I’ve gotten decently good at it and didn’t want to waste the points on it.)

Anyway, left and right shoulder buttons together drops a carried body where you stand. L + R triggers throws the body (useful for pitching a body off a wall when there’s no tall grass to conceal it in.)

That’s new. I don’t think I ever moved a body except at the specific behest of a quest in Origins. Generally, guards freaking out about a body just afforded a nice opening to assassinate them, too.

Leaving the poisoned body out in Origins was the best part, watching everyone get sick from it. :D

Yup. That beautiful, ever-growing cloud of poisonous smoke luring in ever more curious guards…

I mean, it’s probably the same in Odyssey, and if you’ve trapped their beacon, it’s always fun to watch the poor beacon runner blow himself up. ;)

I just like playing Jason with the hockey mask in Ancient Greece, as the poor folks realize one by one that their ranks are getting thinner and thinner…

I love taking forts out just using my bow. Sneak around picking them off one at a time without being seen. Slow and steady

Finished both DLCs.

Hidden Ones is ok. More of the same, but serves as a nice epilogue. Was nice to see Aya again.

Pharaohs…yeah I got super bored by that. The afterlife realms were nice visually, but otherwise it is again more of the same with some boring boss fights thrown in and story that I found so boring I had trouble even following it. It is a fairly large expansion, around 12 hours for all main and sidequests (did not explore all question mark filler), but I was super ready for it to end. And then it does and there are no credits or even a splash screen…so my AC Origins adventure kind of ended with a whimper.

Overall it is a good game but I am ready for Ubisoft to fire their quest designers and writers and hire better ones plus hire someone who will eliminate all the filler in their games.

Probably not going to happen with the success of the last two games. Likely bonuses, raises and promotions all around.

I played Odyssey last night for another 2 hours (5 hours total), quests seem better than Origins. :)

After having pretty much had Paul’s reaction to Pharaohs, I’m taking a break from the franchise for awhile. I greatly enjoyed Origins, but by the end of 80-some hours the Ubi-annoyances were really starting to get to me. I think I’ll enjoy Odyssey, but I also think I’d probably better wait a year (or two) before I play it.

How would this game work for someone who’s never played an Assassin’s Creed but loves open world games? I enjoyed the Far Cry games (albeit with some reservation for some of their flaws, but I loved the freedom) Mafia III of course Skyrim, etc. I really seek truly open worlds that provide a world for me to explore as I choose.

They are, slightly, although by the end I was pretty exhausted with it too.

I think you should be able to enjoy it, I mean it is very similar to FarCry in structure, just third person…if you enjoyed that you will probably enjoy Origins/Odyssey.
Just be ready for a lot of tower climbing and murdering of various outposts and carrying people from point A to point B on your back.

Origins is really a must play for the setting in my opinion. Even if the gameplay is not to your taste, Egypt is fascinating.

It’s a reboot that changes a fair amount of gameplay, so no prior experience is just fine.


EXACTLY. Hahahahaha!

So start with Origin or jump right to Oddyses (sp) ?

Odyssey unless Egypt really appeals (which I think it does :) Odyssey’s probably a bit better as a game.

On the other hand, it’s incredibly weird to me that someone’s first Assassin’s Creed game might not involve a hidden blade. I mean, that’s the iconic thing in this series IMO.