Assassin's Creed Valhalla

I assume you mean, “Cnut so Great”!

Yes! Or maybe, “Cnut the Kinda So-So”.

I’m at power level 180-90 ish, and finishing up thee 220-level Gloucestershire (or however it’s spelled in the game) arc. @Razgon has a point, in that I have found being out-powered only a minimal handicap. However, I have spent a lot of time and resources getting my gear to as upgraded as possible, and respeccing every time I switch from one set to another. YMMV, but switching from Raven armor to Bear (Brigandine set) I definitely was more tanky, and could take a lot more of a beating. I have killed only one Zealot because those are nasty with a capital N. Playing on normal difficulty, I find that if I botch a stealthy approach in an area with Goliaths and Standard Bearers or other big bad guys, I often have to high-tail it and circle back. Stand up fights surrounded by Saxons are iffy affairs, though with the right gear/skills are sometimes doable, and always a hoot.

The settlement is a mixed bad indeed. I do not like the elimination of services (blacksmith, special shops, customization, etc.) from all other places and their concentration uniquely at home. Fast travel does make it trivial, but it seems very odd, considering every one of those larger towns would have some of that stuff, as in Odyssey. Customization also sucks; the little dragon head things remind me of theme park sign posts and the stuff you can build seems kind of lackluster. I have come around on the gear, though. The unique abilities of specific items and sets can be really useful, and some are quite powerful.

Combat difficulty is a tough nut to crack, in terms of pleasing folks. Make it too hard, and it is either gated behind an artificial gear or level limit, or requires Olympic-level player skill. Too easy, and nothing you do makes you feel like you are getting better or stronger. I’m happy with where it’s at–if I need more, I can crank it up some I guess, but I’m fine with it for now.

And I’m coming to like Evior more, as she gets more worldly and sees the dark side of everything around her and starts to question everything she has been told. Her voice acting still grates, though, especially her drunk/ate a magic mushroom voice. Cringe.

Finally found Tungsten in a 190 power zone.

Okay. I laughed.

A subtle cultural marker for most of the '10s is on the way out, like it or not. Hot Topic might some have left in the back and I’d wager every Goodwill in the US has one in stock before 2020 is through, but a wry scowl peeking out from below the curved beak of the original grey cowl on the box art, I can’t imagine there’s much life left in the AC hoodie beyond this last round of dads and grads. My young nephew and niece are growing up in Cassandra and Eivor’s world, the washed out Ezio full-zip a relic from a forgotten age.

Funny thing though is that sneaky-assassination is still 50% of the kills I make in Odyssey and Valhalla when approaching Yet Another Fort. It’s not just safer, it’s often faster.

Out of curiosity, I took some shots of my stats before and after a reset to show the difference in numbers all those little incremental updates add up to. I’m at Power 178 right now, so of course, bear that in mind. I have a mix of a little in everything, though I’ve picked up almost all of the Way of the Raven as except my bow (Wolf), that’s my current gear.

Also, 45 hours in I’m still frequently struck by how incredible this looks.

I guess this is one of those old-person markers. I never even knew these things existed.

Either I’m missing something or this is the worst map zoom since Altair was a boy.

Is everyone’s bird working correctly? In previous games it would auto-highlight my enemies, now it just gives me a attention here teal circle. Or are there bird upgrades I am missing?

There are some other skills for the bird, like using it to distract guards, but it’s been nerfed significantly from previous games. It no longer kills or auto-targets guards. It’s useless really.

The bird is an Opal spotter.

I just for the first time noticed there is a green square icon that’s like a photo mode pic from the community (but those are white and this is green) that shows a “daily concept art” painting. Here is todays, I guess?

Has anyone else noticed these?

Oh, while I was waiting for this picture to upload (my internet is being weird tonight) I found this!

Yep, I have seen them, but I am always getting server connect errors on the map screen so they (and friend photos), come and go sporadically.

The bird also is good for finding cave entrances, and when you get close to an “area” objective, it can highlight that. Otherwise, it makes a decent dinner with some new potatoes and wine sauce.\

Dawn or sunset?

I saw a community photo posted in game of Ivarr urinating on (boy) Eivor. It had over a thousand likes.

Only cave entrances the devs have decided to flag as such. There are plenty of cave entrances you’ll have to find on your own.

Agree with the above posts, game is really nice to look at

This game beats the pants off Skyrim for Longhouse flavor. Behold:



If you sit next to someone (as opposed to sit down by yourself), you’ll even drink with them. Here is me drinking with some old lady:

True, but I like that. I like stumbling on caves. Usually the bird helps with ones I would waste time looking for.

And someone tell me, why does Eivor (and Randvi, for that matter) look like she’s the sister of the Hunchback of Notre Dame much of the time. She has this hunched-forward sort of stance that I suppose is meant to make her look aggressive or something, but ends up looking like she has a spinal issue.