August 5 Republican debate

Well as long as people stay as slaves to the two party system nothing ever will change with how bad the political system is here in the us. Right now we have two big government big spending parties in the US, that needs to change somehow, and I dont see the repubs or dems going away from that, so it is going to eventually take a 3rd party for real change to happen.

But… but, America’s got talent!

Voted YES on banning partial-birth abortions. (Apr 2000)
Voted YES on banning gay adoptions in DC. (Jul 1999)
Voted YES on Bankruptcy Overhaul requiring partial debt repayment. (Mar 2001)

Libertarian my ass. He’s also voted against every trade bill, surprisingly; no idea how he then gets a 76% rating on it from Cato.

Correct, and it’s the flip from being all Democrat to being all Republican that is the key event that led to the current situation.

Also, I’m not sure this statement is correct for California or Texas. California’s really two states, with SoCal being very conservative and NorCal being very liberal, so you get the occasional hardcore right-winger (cf. Ronald Reagan). And due to its geography, with the exception of Austin, Texans tend to agree with each other throughout the state. What’s really happening is that the states generally vote for their own, so the candidate from TX or CA gets a huge boost of electoral votes right out of the gate.

Yes, the 2 party system truly is the font of all evil.

Methinks you need a slighly more sophisticated understanding of what ails this great nation.

Many things do ail our nation, but I think the blind faith and allegiance that far too many people have to the two major parties is a big part of what is wrong with our political system. That things can only be good or correct if the party you believe in proposes them, that anything the other party does must be opposed so they cant get credit for it, and things like that.

If the Democrats and Republicans really want to show that they’re not afraid of third parties, I have three words for them:

Instant. Runoff. Voting.

3rd parties don’t scare you? Put this in every election at every level of government.

I double fucking dog dare you.

Exactly. The people within this nation are the problem with this nation… the 2 party system is incidental. You could easily have that good vs. evil tribal mentality with a multi-party system: your party is good, all others are evil.

Conversely, you could have a 2 party system which was fully functional. For example, if one or both of the parties was flexible enough to encompass a wide range of people, then voila! Working democracy! Well, as much as any democracy can work.

The problem with alternative political parties is that they rarely provide the voters with a viable alternative.

The Libertarian Party is full of Randians, Heinlein-reading potheads, alternative medicine faddists, and internet trolls. Good luck leading that mess to a plurality.

The current offering of kosher-certified animatronic sock puppets is so realistic some of the candidates almost seem human.

Ron Paul is the only non-synthetic replicant in the race.

Did you ever heard of Barack Obama before the election cycle started? No? That’s because he’s a mass media manufactured candidate. No human on U.S. soil ever had an imperative to see the man run for office. Big political groups boosted him into the running with money and promotion.

It’s not that he’s black. It’s the fact he’s black and otherwise exactly the same as the other meat marionette gearworks simulators. Blah blah blah, Israel first. Amerikwa is second or third depending on if any money is left over.

Ron Paul should stand behind me while I wield a flamethrower to keep the other candidates at bay and I go through their blood samples in petri dishes one at a time with a redhot wire to prove what I already know.

I heard Tiger Woods married a hot blonde. I think he should run.

Actually, yes, I have, as have many others. Some of us do follow the news outside our hermetically sealed bunkers.

If Obama wins he has to run against Keyes again, just so we can see if 27% of the entire country is crazy or whether Illinois is a isolated case.


Well, he did give a pretty big speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention, so unless the election cycle started BEFORE the LAST election cycle ended, then yes. Moran.

I know Alan Keyes is batshit insane, but he can be an amazing orator.

He was called undignified by Gary Bauer when they were both running for president, because he jumped into a mosh pit for a Rage Against the Machine concert (who Bauer also called “satanic”, the details escape me, remember they are both batshit insane).
In response, and off the cuff, Keyes said:

…And I think that—you know the real test of dignity, the real test of dignity is how you carry it through hard times. I think I learned that from my people. We went through slavery when we didn’t have the outward signs of what others would call dignity. Because we understood that dignity comes from within, and that whatever circumstance you are going through, you can carry that dignity with you and no one can take it away.
So, I think you may have a misunderstanding of dignity. It doesn’t come from what you do in a mosh pit. It comes from what you do as a result of the convictions of your heart.

Alan Keyes not only went to a RATM concert, he got down in the mosh pit? He may be batshit insane, but he’s MY kind of batshit insane!

I think it was like at a Rock the Vote kinda show and Alan went to press the flesh in the crowd and got pulled in, picked up and body surfed maybe (he’s tiny). It was kinda awesome, he was wearing a suit and everything. It was pretty clear he had no idea who RATM was.

Oh. I take back what I said then.


Look closer, grasshopper.

  	 				Voted YES on banning partial-birth abortions. (Apr 2000)

Yes, and he’s pretty anti-abortion in general. I don’t agree with him on this issue (and please don’t turn this into another abortion debate), but his stance is not contradictory to his political leanings. Most people who differ on this issue have a difference in opinion regarding what constitutes the beginning of human life–i.e. when do your human rights begin? That’s more a philosophical issue than a political one; if you believe that an unborn child should be considered a person, then it is not at all contrary to libertarian principles to assign them the same rights that everyone else gets.

Voted YES on banning gay adoptions in DC. (Jul 1999)

He voted against federal funding for gay adoption. He has voted against bills to ban gay marriage at the federal level, or to define marriage as “one man, one woman.”

Voted YES on Bankruptcy Overhaul requiring partial debt repayment. (Mar 2001)

That’s pretty hardcore libertarian, actually. Libertarians don’t just favor individual liberties, but also individual responsibility.