Avatar: The Last Airbender - Suriprisingly good anamated serieis

You have “Tales of Ba Sing Se” to look forward to later in the season. It has everything - including comedy and sorrow.

I’m tearing up a bit just thinking about it.

I just adore the series, endlessly! I’m jealous of anyone going through it the first time, lol.

A triple right in the feels. Iroh and Momo and Mako.

I remember being somewhat disappointed by Korra when it aired, but I rewatched it within the last year and it really has a lot of delightful scenes and I really enjoyed it. Even season 2!

Korra is… not good, sadly.

The Dragon Prince is fantastic, however.

Many thumbs up in concurrence.

I finished Season 2. I love how they set up a series of cascading failures. It makes things so exciting, but it also makes the villains seem extraordinarily lucky on their timing.

I love the choice that Zuko made. I was really hoping he would make this choice. It feels like the right one for him, at least for now. That man shouldn’t be satisfied with owning a freaking tea shop. Get out of here with that shit. :-P

Only the last episode to go. I’m going to miss this show.

Oh man, thanks for this reminder. I loved that show as a kid, but I’d completely forgotten what it was called. I’d been searching a few years ago for Seven cities of gold, but wasn’t seeing the cartoon I remembered. I’ll have to go track this down now.

What’s funny is that it looks like even though the original 39 episode show was in 1982, and you posted this in 2011, they decided to continue the series in 2012 and recently released a Season 2 and 3, and people are waiting for the fourth and final season of that series now.

More Esteban and friends?
Also, I still listen to the soundtrack.

I finished! All 4 parts of the final episode were excellent.

That has got to be one of the best final episodes of a TV show ever done, I think. Just excellent through and through. All the emotional loose ends from all 3 seasons were tied up. What a great show.

It’s really one-of-a-kind. As an FYI, The Legend of Korra is very tonally different although it takes place in the same world. I really enjoyed it (especially after a bit of a slow start) and the show has some of the same aspects Last Airbender did, but don’t watch it expecting more of the same because you’ll be disappointed if you go in with the incorrect expectations.

Although I’ve seen various episodes of this, I’ve never seen the whole show start to finish, despite owning it on disc. Looking forward to doing that on Netflix with my daughter (discs are in storage somewhere), possibly today.

The S1 disks are bad, or at least mine are. The video image looks like it has horizontal lines through it. Someone fucked something up in the encoding. I ended up re-buying the whole thing on Amazon last year.

I’ve never noticed lines like that on my discs. I do notice - and even the Netflix stream has - some occasional really nasty pixellation in early episodes.

Acting upon the wisdom of the veterans of this thread, I only watched the animated show and ignored the movie. But today I watched the pitch meeting for the movie and enjoyed that.

I just wrapped up season 2 in my first proper watch through. I saw about eight episodes a decade ago and was very nonplussed. Even this time, I didn’t get fully hooked until the two part season 1 finale, but enough people whose opinions I completely trust have begged me to watch this that I was able to pull through the silly kiddie humor and Netflix’s terrible video quality (which mercifully got upgraded for this series hallway through my watch).

Season 2 was a great ride with awesome characters, fantastic storytelling, and delightfully complex worldbuilding. The library in the desert and the slow reveal of the situation in Ba Sing Se were both expertly done, and I suddenly know where a bunch of my fellow GMs here in Raleigh stole heavily from (I swear I’ve fought that damn owl in at least two sessions run by two different people, hah).

The down note ending for S2 soured me a lot (Empire is my least favorite of the Star Wars OT for a reason), but I’m excited to see how it all comes together for S3.

And hopefully by the time I finish a single streaming platform will have gotten its shit together enough to offer ALL of Korra without a stupid add on channel tax.

You’re going to watch Korra too? I steered clear since the reaction was mixed in this thread.

(CBS All Access has all 4 seasons, btw, so I’ve had access to it for a long time).

Goddammit now I have to sub to CBS again :)

And yeah, gonna watch Korra. My local friend circle is more positive than the average, and there’s a lingering plot thread that I’m interested in seeing the development of, compared to more recent shows that trod similar ground. Plus, I suspect I won’t quite want to let go of this world after just three seasons in it :)

This is one of many reasons why Korra is just so damn disappointing.

Having recently watched both, I wouldn’t say Korra was disappointing…it’s just a little shocking how the world has moved on. There are things Korra does that I believe are better than the first show, and their are things that Airbender does better. I would be hard pressed to choose which series was my favorite. Overall, I like the character Korra better than Aang.

And you should double check CBS access before you subscribe. I had read they only had the first 2 seasons, so I subbed to Nick Hits through Amazon to watch it all. Had I been more diligent, I could have gotten through the whole thing in the free trial period.