Avengers: Endgame (2019)

I bet Carol does kick his ass, or at least is a big help. They just don’t realize the gauntlet is already busted and nothing they can do to Thanos will fix that.

(And then Nebula will finish him off anyway.)

This is pretty much my theory, then they’ll find some wacky Erik Selvig theory to go back in time with some warnings about it being a one-way trip in an awkward foreshadowing some favorites will remain dead. They’ll aim for the climactic battle scene but miss the mark, finding a way to somehow wrest control of at least one of the gems and defeat Thanos, he gets killed (but raised from the dead by Death in a post-credits scene). Due to the miss-timed time jump, they’re able to stop the snap but some people get killed, anyway, and they don’t dare try again just in case it goes horribly wrong and they lose even more.

They can make another gauntlet. Thor knows a guy.

Is a theory a spoiler?

Unless it involves having insider knowledge about the movie, I don’t see how it could be. Nobody outside of the people involved in making it actually knows what the story is.

Plus the movies have been weaving different elements from the comics and changing things around so those technically aren’t spoilers either.

I’m betting they turn their noses up at time shenanigans and will go with a “Quantum Realm” hand-waving. Such as, “all realities can exist at the same time. You just have to believe in a quantum state to make it real.” Then they go on an adventure to release the Hulk, who is the only one simple enough to truly believe…

lol - sorry. My son got annoyed with me by spouting it off, so I wanted to save anyone the aggravation. I’ll unspoiler.

Yeah, I can see that.

No need to be sorry at all, I was just confused!

That was pretty good.


Disney announced that Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie will star as their MCU characters in a new series called Falcon and Winter Soldier being made for the Disney+ service.

Speculate away on what this scheduling means for either of them taking on the Cap role in the MCU after Chris Evans!

I think Evans is sticking around tbh.

I doubt there’s ever gonna be another movie set in this universe named “Captain America,” regardless of who the star might be. The concept was a hard sell to international audiences back in 2011 (which is why #3 was a de facto Avengers movie) and it’s much harder now because … well, let’s not get into P&R territory.

People worldwide are flocking to things like Black Panther and Captain Marvel, which makes it all the easier to sideline Cap as a franchise. So the casting question is really just who shows up in cameos and Avengers movies.

Polygon has an article up indicating someone was posting spoilers and footage/clips of key moments so that information may be making the rounds. They had tips for going to various social media places just to mute keywords and how to avoid spoilers, I only use Twitter and Facebook of those listed, and Facebook only a few family members can I see timeline’s for, but Twitter I go to at work from time to time, so I muted a bunch of keywords there. Just a PSA.

Yep, I came here to post about that. There is apparently an unauthorized fan made spoiler “short film” making the circuit. I’ve made a point of avoiding any video involving Endgame since I heard about that. I don’t need anymore info before I see it, so its full blackout time. That will include here, so enjoy the show and Ill be back after Ive seen the movie. Ciao!

Thats what probably prompted this.

Yep, be careful out there. Someone brought a phone into a screening and posted clips from it, so any spoilers between now and release are going to be pretty legit. I think my only internet use is going to be work and QT3 for the next ten days.

Can Thanos snap those people next time?

Things I can’t do on the internet because of 4chan trolls trying to spoil the movie

  1. Read any comment thread, anywhere
  2. Browse reddit
  3. Click into any social media
  4. Watch Youtube because the dumb ass algorithm will sneak in videos with spoilers in the title
  5. Watch Twitch streamers who have donation comments turned on

What am I missing?