Awesome Star Wars Poster - the original?

This is the largest I have found of this. Anybody got it bigger?

Anyone know who did the original?

From The Star Wars Posters Book:
(United States / 1999 / 24x36)
For this 1999 Star Wars Fan Club exclusive poster by Australian artist Hugh Fleming, the bearded artist featured himself as one of the Star Wars groupies in the audience. The piece was commissioned to accompany a story in Star Wars Insider, the official fan club magazine in the United States, about rock bands and music influenced by the original trilogy.

Thanks. You’re pretty fast.

Ahem. Darth would NOT be the bass player.


And, I have a new desktop.

Also, Vader would totally be the bass player, deep, commanding, and powerful

Yeah, Darth on Bass but not playing a Steinberger. I see the man as more of a Musicman sting-ray guy.

I do see R2-D2 as the smoke machine though.

What’s up with Leia’s shoes? Looks like she is about to click them 3 times and wish for home.

It took about 30 seconds. “Star Wars rock band poster” into google. The longest part was doing the BBcode.

Heileman is a huge Star Wars nerd and has vast collection of posters(also from other movies) in his flickr account. (He works for IO-Interactive btw(Freedom Fighters, Hitman and the much loved Kane&Lynch)