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It’s pretty much not doable solo (at 10) unless there are other people in the cave keeping the spawn rate down. But the cave is usually pretty busy during peak times, so just log in then. That’s what I did.

Do the Undead VW quest. It’s easy.

I remember the human warlock quest is also pretty easy. You go to this tomb under an alliance bar where warlock trainers congregate and you have to defeat the voidwalker and that’s it, IIRC. And ofc you can use your imp.

But there’s the part before that in Elwynn with Surena Caldwell (and her two mean buddies) which isn’t so easy to solo at 10.

Can’t you take her out witha kamikaze attack at least? Send the pet in, dot and run?

I actually managed to get my tablet with minimal assistance. I had a level 8 hunter with me, so the pet was a nice added cushion. Still a close fight, though. Haven’t gone to turn in the tablet yet because my cable crashed last night, hopefully still have the tablet. I don’t know jack about warlock’s pets, so if anyone has any info, feel free to PM me.

Erik J.

My take on pets:

Imp: I rarely use it but it’s apparently useful for end-game raiding. Even in a full group, my feeling is that we’re usually better off with the Succubus or VW out. If there are two Warlocks in the group, I think it’s worth having one of them with an Imp. Also handy for places where you could use the extra health but don’t plan on fighting much and don’t want to blow a shard. For example, I always have an Imp out, on passive, in Gadgetzan and BB (I’m on a PvP server).

Voidwalker: Useful from 10-20 when you don’t have the Succubus yet. After that, useful for soloing groups or elites, and useful in instances as an off-tank. Not the best thing to solo with, although you can do it (it’s slow – but very safe). Also useful for suicide runs, where you send the VW in to get everyone’s attention while you open the quest container or whatever, then run away with the VW sacrifice bubble protecting you.

Succubus: Definitely the most useful pet. I use her all the time for soloing and world questing, most of the time for PvP, and in instances when we have a tank and offtank already. She’s great because she does decent DPS without running out of mana all the time the way the Imp does, is semi-survivable, plus she’s got some CC abilities that come in very handy with certain adds. The Succubus is great for PvP, because you can charm a dangerous group member for later, and 1 on 1 you can use charm to get off a big spell (like Soulfire), then charm them again and get off another spell, etc. Her extra melee is also good for delaying spellcasts, etc. Finally, her invisibility is good when you get jumped in PvP, because (if you’re not already fighting) the enemy won’t know she’s there and can’t sap/sheep/whatever her as an opening move. My first thing when I get jumped is to have the Succy charm the enemy. If it’s a lone wolf jumping you, you can /laugh, bandage, and Soul Fire.

Felhunter: Awesome in some situations but very specialized. He’s death with a smile against spellcasters, but not good at all against melee types. I tend to use him in PvP (especially if I have time to prep and know we’re going against a caster-heavy group) and in questing/instances if we’re going up against a very tough caster (although I think some caster bosses are immune to his abilities). His “paranoia” buff is also occasionally useful when a rogue is being a pest.

Infernal/Doom Lord/Enslaved Demon: I haven’t used any of these because I’m told that they’re not worth the trouble.

Maybe. I haven’t tried the quest in over a year and I was a noob then so who knows. Keep in mind the Imp is pretty fragile and with anyone beating on him won’t last long. I don’t remember if you have to loot Surena or actually open a chest/closet inside the house, but you do need an item from her.

The good news is that part of Elwynn is pretty well trafficked with people doing The Collector or Princess Must Die! or whatever, so there’s a decent chance there will be some help around.

Imp: I rarely use it but it’s apparently useful for end-game raiding. Even in a full group, my feeling is that we’re usually better off with the Succubus or VW out. If there are two Warlocks in the group, I think it’s worth having one of them with an Imp.

As a tank I always wanted the imp out because of Bloodpact. The void is useful for offtanking of course, but in many 5 man groups you will have enough tankage to make the void unnecessary – depends on party makeup. Succubus I suppose is great when people actually use them properly for crowd control (and when rest of the party respects the CC). Most of the time when I’m in a party with a lock and his succy, she just goes around whipping mobs, in which case I’d sooner have the imp out.

If Surena is there with the other two named guys it’s doable, you just tell the imp to attack Surena, then fear the 2nd, then focus fire on Surena. When she goes down, run like mad. The imp will die, but you won’t (re-fear one of the guys as needed and you only have to worry about one guy beating on you).

And I agree, the Orc quest is a bear. It’s pretty impossible to get past the caster/voidwalkers in there, but as said the cave is pretty busy most of the time.

The Undead quest is like the Surena one, except that the two adds are wimps - I typically sleep one with the sleep powder I get from an earlier quest (something from the Alchemist, I don’t recall what). It’s actually pretty easy to kill all 3 of them to get to the chest (and actually you need to kill the named guy for part of the Scarlet whatever quest chain so if you wait long enough, it’s a 2 for 1 deal).


Well, I can’t summon a doomguard, and I don’t enslave demons, but Infernals are comedy gold in PvP. As defence, I’ve used them to great effect. The other day, me and a buddy both dropped an infernal into a pack of about 20+ alliance coming up to attack our puny defence team. First everyone ran, then rallied and attacked the infernals - so we aoe’d them. Then, as they were about to take down the last infernal, I ran down into the pack, stood directly under the infernal, and howled. :)

Now, it’s hardly sustainable, but it’s a great force-multipler at certain points. And the reaction is priceless.

Well, the “official” (or as official as it gets, and we seem to have the most QT3 people) Alliance PvE Guild is Drop Bears on Moonrunner. We do one end-game instance (ZG) and aren’t anything near to hard-core raiding. UC usually does these plugs, but I thought I’d pipe up and say that we’re still here and still very much going strong, and always happy to help out new players.

Ok so now that i have entered the realm of crackwhoredom with a WoW subscription, is there an “official” Horde server that is played on?

I am still just a lowly 17 rogue but I am highly interested in starting my alt-itis with a Horde character…group? guild?

edit- ok so reading the above post- is there a group of Horde alts on Moonrunner?

I’m not aware of any Moonrunner horde activity, though IMO it wouldn’t be a bad idea to create a horde chapter of Drop Bears. I guess at the moment people are pretty busy with their alliance characters.

Yeah IF is a dumo, but with the unified city channels and new AH’s a pally could base himself in Stormwind with no detrimental effects. My hunter has moved back to Darnassus, much to the delight of his cat, who can now visit his family just outside.

Personally I have high level characters on both sides. it seems silly to pay for the whole game and pnly play half of it.

Edit for typos: I typed ‘but’ as ‘bur’ - a Freudian typo?

Drop Cows?

In reference to a thread here at one stage, I believe the name “Stoned Owls” was bandied about, but will probably be stomped on by Blizz pretty quick. I’ve also been partial to “and the Baby Stealing Dingoes” but that might not meet with much approval either :)

I’ve always wanted to roll an Orc Hunter and go get me an owl from Teldrassil at level 10, maybe this is an ideal chance :)

“A Dingo Ate My Baby” sounds good to me

Heck I already have a lvl 13 troll rogue on Moonrunner that I apparently made and levelled sometime last year. Oddly I don’t remember any of it.

I noticed that, at least on the RPPVE servers, you can make both horde and alliance characters.