Banner Saga: Turn-based Viking RPG

This isn’t really surprising, if your highest level at the end of the game is a level 4 character, then you’re behind the power curve of the game. It means that all of your characters are not only missing the +2 (or more) ability points they’d get from being maxed to level 5 (which is - potentially +2 strength damage), it also means you are missing the final rank of your character’s special abilities. The difference between a rank 2 (2 armor break) and rank 3 (3 armor break) mark of prey attack is significant.

As I recall it, when I played my “canon” playthrough, I maxed out the “main” characters long before the end. Checked the final savegame, and I can see that I had all my key characters at Lvl 5, with some 100+ renown unused. I think I bought one or two items - the majority of items are simply not worth it compared to the ones you get for “free” as part of the story plot, so that looks about right.

I read in a reddit post that the max amount of renown achievable in Hard is ~750. Even if you only earn ~500, that should still be enough to level 7-8 heroes up to max (50 to take 1 hero to lvl 5), and still leave 100+ renown to purchase food for the caravan.

For sure that makes sense on a first playthrough, but in practice most of the “main cast” are invincible, so you never need to worry about them getting KIA. Since they’re also - for the most part - the best characters, that’s renown well spent.

For the rest, they can be divided into two - those who are permanent fixtures, but who can be killed by making the wrong choices - and those who are only part of the story for a short period. The former you can chose whether should die or not (and therefore chose whether or not to spend renown on them), the latter you should never spend renown on unless absolutely necessary.

Behind the power curve for what though? I finished the game having only failed two battles. The last boss battle I finished without any problems on my first try. It’s great that you did much better than me but I was able to enjoy and finish the game just fine albeit in a less efficient way.

Sorry for the necromancy. What’s the final verdict on this game/trilogy? I’m looking for a good tactical rpg but I’m probably going to pick up the new fire emblem next week. Anyone play this on the switch?


Big fan personally. Some of my favourite gaming from the last 5 years. And I can imagine playing the arc all out in one go instead of episodically just adds to it.

How do you level up special abilities? I see how to level up stats but not abilities. Any other leveling up tips I should be aware of?

The series was on sale on steam this weekend so I tried it out and decided to get the trilogy on switch. My biggest complaint, other than the opacity of the systems, is how hard it is to tell whose little Stat banner is whose in the crowded tactical battles.

Ability upgrades happen as a side-effect of leveling up. Sometimes it will tell you that it will increase (along with item rank etc.) when you go to rank up a hero.

Incidentally I just started playing this for the first time after actually Kickstarting it all those many years ago. Although it is barely noticeable in-game (like so many Kickstarter perks), you can use my recreation of King of Dragon Pass’s Raven Banner as your in-game caravan banner:



I’m hooked.

I was enjoying it… Until fire emblem dropped.

Game is complex and the story is thoughtful. I only have the second game.

Did they change the combat system for B2+B3? I’ve only played B1. (I’m referring to the weird don’t kill people off turn order)

Nope. Still the same. Not a fan, but it works, I guess.

Any mods out there for the combat so you aren’t punished for killing low health enemies?