Banning registry

Awesome, thanks for the updated pic!

Excuse me while I go touch myself gently.

No mention of conveyor belts?

Where is The Narrator in all this? He/she has been MIA for far too long.

Yeah, I wonder about that too.

Looking at the list of the folks who’ve been banned/gt’ed… on the whole, I wish they were here. It’s Tom’s site now, so he can do as he likes, but I don’t really see that most of the bans made it a more interesting place.

What happened to Bub, I guess I missed that one.

Too much self-pimping.

It’s the same thing. I just alternate between the two on the chart to add a bit of variety to it.

The conveyor belt thread was just a warm up for the “boy in the window” thread,


the “boy-in-window thread” was just itself a precursor for a much longer puzzle thread. This unnameable thread is growing even now, but none of us can accept its existence, for to acknowledge such a thing would be to rip apart the tattered pretence of sanity.

Icons? please please!

Toutsuite was banned, unless he’s lying about that. He says I went crying to Tom about it. He’s back as NoWayJose.

Aw man, who did Liz come back as? I missed that one.

I’ll never get the way people feel the need to FIGHT THE MAN and be an asshole to somebody running a fucking website forum. Long ago, Tom asked me to stop exploding threads in my bloodwar with JonR. So, I did. Recently, Met K did the same, publically. So, I did. Thanks, Met!

Man, everyone’s got it so easy these days. Chet used to literally get death threats because OMM didn’t have an Edit function. He’d have people try to crash the website before, and after, getting banned. And, of course, he’d ban you for wearing white after Labor Day, if he wanted.

The real question is where the hell Tom got that shirt.

Wild guess, but I’m going with Katie Sparks.

Just a guess but it’s only gentle if nobody notices it… Also: WOOO IM QUASI INTERNET FAMOUS… or something…

Damn, I don’t post and/or giggle enough to get lumped in with the female generalizations. I’ll take being a smug asshole though!

That’s not Tom. :-)

An EQ ezboard (remember them?) I used to visit a lot had this one guy… name of Damien Ashok or similar… who basically spent all his free time hacking ezboard. He was pretty good at it, too. But he used his power only for evil, unfortunately. Like making everyone’s avatar pics link to tubgirl, things like that.

It could be Tom. : )

I think this version of Tom’s head would be more suitable:

Albert those pics are truly wonderful. :)