Batman: Arkham City

It was the Battrunk.

i hope the bat mobile is back also, but remember it was launched into the Gotham river…

does this game take place a few months after the first ?

also i hate the game’s title… :(

Batman has spares of everything. EVERYTHING.

Especially young wards…

Hell, he has spares of the goddamn BATCAVE.

I realize that I’m doing it rong, but I hope there’s more fighting in Batman: AC. Outside of the challenge maps, by the time I got a combo going most of the fights were over. Having generic baddies pose a more credible threat would be an acceptable alternative. I realize we’re playing fucking batman here, but there are gameplay considerations.

Also, I think there was implicit acknowledgement in AA that fighting henchmen was more fun than fighting huge boss characters. This should probably extend to the overall structure, or they should rework the mechanics so that fighting a single opponent can be interesting.

The invisible predator stuff is essential too, though for me the environment navigation mostly felt like a pacing device rather than fun in its own right.

Next time you may want to try playing it on Hard difficulty.

Yeah, well, that’s pretty much the Batman universe. What makes villains like Joker or Two-Face interesting is not their hand-to-hand fighting skills.

I’d much rather they spent their time refining the fun meat of the game–the stealth, the combat against henchmen, the story and atmosphere–then spending a bunch of time on one-off boss battles unrelated to the core mechanics.

(Honestly, I would have no problem with the final battle being fighting 60 henchmen and then one-shotting Two Face with a sock to the jaw.)

I agree. I loved fighting the henchmen. That felt very Batman-like to me. Here’s a room full of guys. Sneak around and beat them up a lot. Fantastic fun. The boss fights were mostly lame by comparison. I hope they realize that. Getting to the bosses was the fun part.

I could go for an either/or situation. As long as Two Face doesn’t open up Pandora’s box and get bigger . . .

I think the best way to handle a lot of bosses would be through Predator, not Combat. The first Harley Quinn sequence in Arkham Asylum was a pretty good example of that, I thought. You were given a gimmick and had to reach the head honcho. With Two Face or Ra’s or even someone like Mr. Freeze, you could play up Batman’s stealth aspect a lot more. I was really surprised there wasn’t a boss battle where you had to lure a boss to the various gimmick ‘takedowns’ in a Predator area to do damage.

Agreed, I loved AA, but I remember after playing it telling many friends, if they wanted to be really subversive, they should have had the final fight with the Joker go like this:

The Joker pulls out a pistol, pulls the trigger and a little flag that says bang pops out. Then you proceed to break his wrist and just generally beat the shit out of him for as long as you the player sees fit, as the Joker laughs maniacally. Around the 2 minute mark the Joker would pass-out. Game over.

This can’t be said enough. I hope that next time they make the “head lightning” something that can be toggled on/off in normal mode and challenges so that more people get a taste of how the combat is supposed to work and feel comfortable trying hard. It’s an altogether different style of combat when you are fighting everyone in the room effortlessly versus laboriously alternating moves, and it’s all about getting the pacing right through “instant” cues like sound versus “delayed” cues like head lightning.

Yeah, I never plays game on hard and I would never recommend people slam their head into that wall for any game except this one (and only after you beat it on easy/normal!) The combat is just so much more interesting when you have to carefully plan your combos a few moves ahead because getting hit more than once will totally ruin Bruce Wayne’s day. It’s well worth playing through a second time on hard even if you never finish it because it’s something of an eye-opening experience after the left-click-fest that was easy difficulty.

It will be interesting to see if they make you start from scratch with the equipment you gathered and upgraded during the first game. Do you get “amnesia” and lose everything or do they just go onward and upward from how powerful you were at the end.

I’d vote for starting over. I enjoy that progression in a game.

It would certainly be on par with the whole Super Metroid style of game play the first game drew inspiration from.

They basically pulled that at the beginning of Arkham Asylum, anyway. It’s not like Batman discovered or earned all that stuff. It was all his stuff to begin with, he just wasn’t carrying it around for whatever reason. If you accept that this Batman likes to travel light, then it makes sense that at the beginning of whatever adventure, he won’t be carrying his explosives and such. Whether it makes sense that he’s not carrying around all that gear at all times is another discussion.

I think Ninyu was talking more about the abilities that you spend points on, in addition to the stuff you’re talking about, which of course is easily reset by the story. (Additional armor for hitpoint increase, the ability to throwdowns after a certain combo length, the ability to do throws after shorter combos, etc.)

I posted this in the Red Hood thread in Books & TV, but for anyone who has seen Under the Red Hood, wouldn’t be awesome if the game included the little portable thrusters Batman uses to shoot a dumpster at Red Hood? Best physics weapon evar!