Battlefield 1942 demo: Holy Crap!

Except with the BAR. I love that weapon. You can keep your engineer rifle; I find the BAR perfectly suitable for long-range engagements, when used properly. Too many people don’t use it properly, though. I see a lot of close-range, run and gun fights with people ripping on full automatic. I save that as a last resort. Drop to one knee at range, and a couple of single shots will take down any opponent.

Except for tanks. When tanks come, I seek cover. That’s something more people should do, really. Suicide attacks aren’t valuable unless you kill a bunch of people. If you only take out one or two (or none), then it’s probably not worth the cost of a ticket and the loss of one team member until the next spawn.

I played on one of those once it was an official EA server labeled intense FF in case you want to avoid it in the future. I really didn’t get it either. I suppose the only point is to make you try to avoid death as much as possible. Still damned annoying in practice.

– Xaroc

Played on what I think was an auto-balancing server. Ugh.

In the middle of the game you are forced to switch sides. Auto-balance is a nice concept, but when you are working with people all game and just get switched, it really destroys the feeling of the game being more than just one guy running around with a gun.


Yeah, I agree. It would be better if it only forced side switching on new players (so once you choose a side, you stay there unless you decide to switch). You might still end up with some unbalanced teams, but I think it would work well enough to keep the game playable.

I’ve never been forced to switch sides on any of the EA servers, however, because they are always full.

I also wouldn’t mind if it popped up and asked you if you wanted to change. But this was straight from being killed to right on the opponents team, no warning or mention of it. The first time I thought I had accidentally clicked something so I switched back. But then it didn’t again.

For some odd reason, starting last night my ping to all of the EA servers is really low. Last week it was middle to high.


Did you by any chance start using the tip about pressing ESC (while in game) and switching from the browser to options menu and back to the game? That did it for me. If you did, then that would explain the change.

I did do that, that seemed to help in game. But how would that influence ping times when I first load up the game?


Butter was pretty empty for a while tonight, so Jaysun and I scrimmaged for a bit at the airfield.

Defense is pretty easy. Mine the entrances to keep vehicles out, and then find a nice place to hide. Hilltops typically don’t work well because you’re too easy to spot from the side or from behind. Also discovered that when you are killed, the view looks towards the shooter, so snipers need to be aware and change hiding places between kills.

Offense is much harder, but I found you can sneak around back along the beach, and work your way up behind the rear-facing gun emplacement. This is a fun way to surprise snipers hiding near the planes, or tanks with their backs towards the shore. Seems like a bit part of one-on-one fights is figuring out how not to be spotted.

  • Alan “Itsatrap” Au

Butter was a bit too empty for me last night. I ended up playing on a strange EA server. The last match was pretty crazy. A tank had ran into the base as I boarded a plane for take off, and it was clear we were already losing to it. So instead of taking off I rammed my plane into the tank. While neither exploded, the Plane pitched down, forcing the smoking tank forward. I jumped out and chased the tank on foot as my team distracted it. After catching up I placed one bundle of dynamite and boom!

Unfortunately the damage was already done and the enemy infantry was on the way. I jumped in the plane and slowly backed it up the runway when the first sniper appeared. Fearing detection I jumped out of the plane and hid behind the building closet to the planes. Enemy troops took their defensive placements, and there was no way to take them out all at once, taking my rifle’s firing rate into consideration. So I decided to use my flight skills to make a daring escape. I jumped in the smoking aircraft and made a quick run down the open area in the middle of the airbase. Not using the runway is a bit dangerous, but the gunfire that followed me had me far more worried. I pitched up ASAP and BARELY missed the two western guard towers and flew off to safety.

That was a really fun match though. No team killers in sight, and everyone was working the roles that were needed at various points of the game. Awesome!

I’ve noticed that the teamkillers tend to stay in the “FF ON” servers, even though they can make a nuisance of themselves (by attacking vehicles, mostly) in the other servers. I like having friendly fire on, as long as there aren’t any idiots playing. It only takes one to ruin a match, though, so I mostly stick to the non FF servers.

Good reason to get a solid password-protected server up and running.

I was searching for a Battlefield One thread and came upon this one as an early search result. The first several pages or so in this are pure gold. You can sense the excitement of everyone and Erik’s opening post lays out the reasons the franchise has been so successful and became so big. just wanted to share as we head to the what, 10th game in the series?

I love Discourse.

The thread you want is here: Battlefield 1 - DICE, gas attacks, biplanes, cavalry, bayonet charges

Same here, very cool.

I love the discussion of Windows XP, DSL lines and ancient PC hardware. Ahh… good times…

Wow seeing Operation Flashpoint mentioned. That sure brings back memories. Arma vs. Flashpoint wars!

How do you know that this thread started in 2002? Because the first sentence describes Battlefield as being “rad”.