Battlefield 2042 - DICE Goes Back to the Future, Just Not the 2142 Future

You’re right. It’s EA afterall, and they’ve found a more efficient way to fracture their playerbase without spending all that money on creating DLC…

Seems to me this Father Christmas problem is easily solved by them putting a switch in the options that turns on default skins for all players. If you don’t want to see that stuff, it doesn’t show up.

a new patch is planned to arrive for Battlefield 2042 later in December. But it’s next year that will bring with it a slate of new content, including a map called Exposure. While we didn’t get any specific details about its setting or what it will involve, EA tells GameSpot that it will be something special by saying it “tak[es] map design to a whole new level.”

Later in December, EA will add limited-time matchmaking modes allowing both Conquest and Breakthrough to be played with just 64 players on PC and PS5/Xbox Series X|S. On these platforms, the modes are normally played with 128 players–one of the game’s new features with the launch of the new-gen hardware–with the 64-player cap in place for last-gen consoles.

There are new NVIDIA drivers as of yesterday too. Folks who are playing this should get those. I have seen some folks who think those combined with the patch help smooth performance.

Where I don’t like to see people lose their jobs…Good riddance Oskar! Between the mess Battlefield V was in the beginning and how lazily it was handled by Dice leadership to BF 2042, I am not sad to see him go. I have faith in the LA studio and Zampella to steer BF in the right direction as it sorely needs a change. The live model for BFV sucked hard along with the mess of how Firestorm was handled. What a wasted opportunity!

Next, I would love to see Titanfall in the BF universe! BF Warhammer 40k is not in the cards I am sure so this will do :)

More like Battlefield in the Titanfall Universe!

I’ll take it! :D

Seriously. A shame it didn’t work out.

You can still get games of Firestorm in BFV prior to BF2042. PlayStation though… maybe not so much PC or Xbox. With 2042 out, might be harder to get them now. It is nerve wracking and having the usual BF destruction in there was pretty awesome.

Week 1 sales:
Battlefield 3 - 4.68M
Battlefield 1 - 3.46M
Battlefield 4 - 2.59M
Battlefield: Hardline - 1.48M
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - 1.39M
Battlefield: Bad Company - 0.44M
Battlefield2042 - 4.23M

From here.

Not bad at all.

Fun Battlefield moment here with a couple of my favorite streamers…

Some good news from Battlefield’s favorite Leaker.

8 Player Parties coming in Season 1.

I tried out the EA Play 2042 trial last night. At first I was excited when it immediately put me in a game with bots, so I could learn. But then the bots immediately took all the vehicles and left me to huff it on foot. Which… I guess that’s realistic, because I’ve rarely ever found a vehicle in a Battlefield game because they’re already being used by other players. I was just hoping for once I’d get to fly in a plane or a helicopter in a Battlefield game, but no, even the bots won’t allow that.

Realistic AI. Next they will start teabagging folks.

The AI is pretty nasty in the Hazard Zone. I got swamped by a group of them last night. Jerks.

FWIW, the bots will always relinquish the vehicles to you. You can walk up to any ground vehicle and they’ll scooch over and let you take any seat you want!

But for the planes and helicopters, you have to grab them when you spawn. But they’re always available in botmatches (except for the cooldown timer after you crash one). It’s awesome! And botmatches are a perfect place to learn how to fly. Just set a botmatch of Breakthrough and it will be trivially easy to practice both flying and attack runs, because you know exactly where the fighting will be on a Breakthrough map. Enjoy! I know I do!


Oh no.

You can also call in ground vehicles at any time as well from the wheel where the ‘I need ammo/pick me up/thanks’ options are. RB on an xbox controller, not sure for keyboard.