Battlefield 2042 - DICE Goes Back to the Future, Just Not the 2142 Future

Played a little last night. Had one of my best games as Falck. I was a healing and reviving machine. Threw in a handful of kills too. Died like twice in a full round of Breakthrough.

The gunplay is about where it needs to be. Vehicles feel really weak atm but a lot of that is how some players use them (poorly).

Not sure what to make of this update but it can’t hurt to move into more sci-fi stuff to distance from CoD.

So did they get around to updating all the original maps yet?

AI bots w/ zombie textures?

Yes. They’ve done all of them now I think. They’ve got some good newer ones too.

There’s a lot of “Not Gameplay” in that Gameplay Trailer.

Yep, totally agree. Weak gameplay trailer…

It is a bummer they haven’t done more with Portal. The hourglass re-work seems pretty decent.

I got another survey from them today.

So I guess there now is a vehicle that is like a quad-copter and ski jet had a baby?

DICE announced Season 7 is coming in March.

Dice should go back and add content to Battlefield V. 14k people playing at this time. 116k last month. This is just Steam numbers…The Eastern front is one way to get players back and steady. What a lost opportunity.

They’ll revisit WWII in a future game I’m sure, provided a real WWIII doesn’t break out before then.

Season 7 will serve as the final season for Battlefield 2042.

I haven’t touched the game since season 3, and their lackluster map updates at that time. :P

The new map is very good. The game also plays really well now. It feels like Battlefield.

Obviously they’re preparing for something new, but if you own 2042, it’s worth playing.

I may have to revisit it then. :slight_smile:

What ever happened with Battlefield Portal? Did they give up on that?

Yeah. They mostly left Portal as it was when it shipped after some guns were added in some of the seasons iirc.

I enjoy the game a lot when I play. I figured this might be the last season so I used my Battlefield coins to get this last Battle Pass. They have the best methods of unlocking guns and attachments IMO. It makes it fun to try new stuff and stick with them.

The original maps got better with their tweaks, but the ones added in the seasons were almost all better or at least as good. And again, Haven is a classic feeling BF map.

Every season got a new map? Hmmm that sounds really tempting to revisit now.

Was a proper map vote ever added to the game?

I don’t think so? I’m not 100% sure tho. Lately I just play the new map in its own playlist so it’s not cycling through.

And yeah, they added about one map per season. I like all of the ones they’ve added and they all have some cool unique features although Haven, the most recent one, is pretty standard town fighting. Still, it’s a good design for just that.

Spearhead is a cool one for sure. Exposure is also a damn good time.