Battlefront II - EA and DICE versus the Dark Side

Dude, that looks awesome. New co-op play, and finally capture mode with bots. I hope they thought of split screen gaming in this update, as that’s the meat of the game for me. This is awesome!

This game has a sense of place that few do. If you love Star Wars, this one puts you there like no other. I really need to pull this out again. It also has me even more excited for Fallen Order from Respawn.

I’m a little late to the party, but I simultaneously adore and detest the experience. It’s beautiful and (as mentioned above) does a fantastic job of transporting you into the Star Wars universe.

But for all its wonderful locales, I feel like it falls flat in terms of providing situational awareness. This is particularly a problem in the space-combat sections, where I’m just as likely to collide with the scenery as admire it.

So yes, it’s an experience I can’t get elsewhere, and I appreciate that. But also, I’ve been spoiled by games where awareness and movement enhance the experience rather than detract from it.

I like this game a lot. However, I nominate the starfighter control scheme as worst control scheme of all time. A year in and it’s still not intuitive for me. I understand how everything works, it just sucks. I can’t track enemies for shit, I crash into stuff all the time, it’s just horrible. Completely unplayable for me, and I’ve tried many times. This is from a Battlefront 2 (old school) veteran. Supremely disappointing.

Ground game is great, though!

$39.99 and you get the game with all the free DLC and every customization they’ve released.

Or $24.99 for the upgrade to existing players.

December 17th for Rise of Skywalker content update to everyone.

How generous of them, for cosmetics , most of which people who did play since release already have earned. This should have been a $5 good will offering for people who bought at release to flesh out what they were missing.

This is a preview of how they will handle Anthem.

That’s 3 days before the movie comes out. Hopefully that means the content will have no spoilers.

Awesome trailer fyi

Thanks for mentioning this. I never would have watched a trailer for new content for a multiplayer game otherwise. That really was awesome.

That makes the current trilogy and even the prequels seem cool.

I finally got around to this part. Being a Tie Fighter in the aftermath of the Battle at Endor was really great, and then the next mission is again another Tie Fighter mission and is also great. I’m really having a great time with this campaign. $5 really well spent! Thanks for the push guys.

Also, I’m really intrigued by this story now, post-Rise of Skywalker. I love how after this defeat the Emperor is still in this campaign through a Messenger. Very creepy and very cool.

This game’s Operation Cinder got retconned by the revival in RoS.

Battlefront II was definitely intended to be canon, and I thought it did a fine job of incorporating the established Star Wars tropes, largely as a reflection of being released in a post-Force Awakens setting.

I also feel like TRoS wasn’t really interested in trying to fit in with the existing storylines anyway, so you know, whatever. So yeah, the storylines don’t really play nicely with each other, but I don’t blame Battlefront II for that.

That trailer was bad-fucking-ass. Made me like Star Wars again.


Trailer made me want to buy Battlefront 2. Looks like a decent “best of” for 40 years of Star Wars games and locations.

Well gee. This is dirt cheap on Origin now. I could spend $15 on the celebration edition, or buy the base edition + the celebration edition upgrade for $12.

Er, interesting pricing. I’ve never played a Battlefront game and assume there is tons of content as it has been out so long. Do I need the celebration stuff? Is that all purely cosmetic or will it also give me access to shit like Thermal Detonators the base game doesn’t have?

Purely cosmetic. Skip it unless you’re really aching for different Clone Wars armor right out of the gate.

Celebrating Storm Trooper underwear skipped.

Origin searching is clunky as hell but pricing! Battlefront 2, Titan Fall 2, Dragon Age Inquisition and Mass Effect 4 for less than $20!

Long live the backlog!