Battlestar Galactica 15: Who Needs Morals?

Good catch! I’d like to move to 3 first.

Is that your final answer? Geez :)

I know, right? Players are the worst.

Does anyone care to modify the Scout roll?

Yes, I promise. :)

Edit: I won’t be modifying the roll.

@Otthegreat I think you can Discard 1value card to make it pass automatically

That is Kat’s ability, after all.

mumbles I meant to say I’ll use this here other tactics 1 (LS) card to pass the roll.

Can you all tell it’s been a while?

Destination peek coming up.

Edit: Maybe.

Edit: kicks at Imgur

Edit edit edit: We’ll do it the hard way then.

Well that’s no good, to the bottom it goes.


Here there be Cylons.

No Basestars to activate before placement.
All the rookie pilots are totally crap.

My job is being made redundant by machines!

Damnations, the admiral came out of lightspeed to close to the system. Or was it cally who sabotaged the hyperdrive.

And we’re to Cally.

Have at you, @rowe33

Escape the Brig! Part Deux

Leadership 5 (AAC) before the check

Okie dokie we’ve gone Reckless.

But that happens after the check. Meanwhile, Treachery is now positive. @Jorn_Weines is first.

0 cards, still don’t trust Cally over the Admiral.

@jeffreyb next

My cards are a bit too good for this, maybe someone else can stop her

0 cards PHONE BOLD

Doh @Jorn_Weines, can you up the difficulty of the check!