Battlestar Galactica 17: Prime Motives

No, I am human all the way to the black nodes on my lungs.

I am considering giving our President cards or looking ahead at a deck. Any opinions?

I’m suspicious of the Destination deck. Fix it.

Fine either way

I’m planning on checking someone out on my turn if nothing crazy comes up.

I will then Play Tactics 1(LS) and look at our destinations. Seems we really could use a good one.

Roll 7, destination peek a boo coming up.

Place it on the bottom

Here comes Craig with his patented Cylon Attack Crisis Right After a Jump.

Well, Cylon refinery is probably the bestest destination in the game, so it can only go downhill from here.

Nah, that would be just plain evil.

I’m merely mean (or rather the deck RNG is)

Starting with @rowe33 who has no cards, so @jeffreyb

What’s the plan here?

I think literally almost every episode insists that you have one…so… What is it?

First, let’s ask @CraigM how many cards are in Destiny atm.

I’m sure it’s changed a lot in the last few hours, newbie!

Seems doable, and Starbuck is still powerless.

I think destiny has 8 cards from last check.

Are we paranoid enough about the consequences to call for an investigative committee?

Get back into your little apartment with your finger paints.

Sorry, I don’t pay attention to silly things like counting Destiny cards :)

I cannot assist with this either.

Edit: Well maybe I can.

I will add one card

I will also add 1 card.


I have limited capacity to help…