Battlestar Galactica 21b - Humanity and Cylons in Goldmember

Ott might be able to solo it?

Well, maybe we can finish 2 games while the others do 1.

@Lantz: He should, but might not. I ended up letting it at “we” as in those who already played.

I can, Destiny permitting. Dumping a hand seems worth avoiding the morale loss.

6 cards.

Edit: It’s actually 5 cards, for those of you keeping track. Bit of an accounting error on my part.


Ott, there’s value in digging through the quorum to have mitigations to the events of the game, but many are going to be about giving someone a little bit of power. We didn’t play with them last game, I don’t know if they would be good or too risky, but they’re certainly not getting played after the sleeper phase.
You may or may not already have known this, just saying.

There are some decently useful ones in there. Some require me to trust people, and it’s too early for that.

I don’t know if that’s saying too much or not.

Minor bookkeeping error. Ott played 5 cards, but I don’t think anyone will mind, as far as the results.

Politics - 1(CP), 1(CP), 2(CP)
Leadership 2(XO), 2(XO), 3(DE), 3(AAC)

Total +14

(Destiny was +5, all Ott needed to put in was +2, but hey, only I knew that)

Raiders activate in 2, aiming for poor Generic Viper Pilot #2

Roll: 8

Anyone? @CaseyRobinson/@Lantz?

P.S. If the Viper gets hit by an 8 'tis gone forever. Plus you’ll finally (more than likely) take a dial hit, we can’t have that. :)

Someone get that phone!

Nah, I think it’s inevitable. I get that, that’s what we did (we had a shared presidency for reasons), but it felt a bit of a waste after. We did get that card the let us replace the lot, so either way is probably fine. I’m kind of arguing just to see something different, which is silly.

Isn’t it always though?

At least that’s my experience.

Don’t have one. Casey?

Also, trying not to cross the streams too much, but kind of amazing that I had one as Doc Cottle but not as Duck Duckerson.

Yeah. @Knightsaber

Piloting - 1(EM)

(Re)Roll: 2
Raider 2 Rolls: 2
Raider 3 Rolls: 7

No EM’s left, so Unnamed Viper Pilot #741 is floating away. But his Viper is salvaged, so there’s that.

Duck duck…@Lantz

I will launch in the assault raptor and move to 2.

Sorry @CaseyRobinson I don’t draw green


That’s boring, hold on a minute though :)

Duck is out protecting the civvie. This is a thing I never expected to type.

Also then this:


@Lantz, your choice

On the plus side, it’s not Raiders and the Basestar can’t fire.

Check seems obvious, we’ll do that.

Okie dokie. @Perky_Goth first.

2 cards @rowe33

I have to abstain. @CaseyRobinson

1 card @Otthegreat