Battlestar Galactica 22 - Craig's Not Here, Man

Apologies if I’m slow today, 8 vials of blood drawn and a medication-induced stress test/panic attack. It kind of wears a guy out.

If you have a maximum firepower it wouldn’t be the worst plan to do some shooting. Not that I’m against saving both civilians if you prefer that option.

I see no particular reason to believe anything much about the players who did and didn’t contribute to that check.

Hope you recover ok, KS!

I can’t do much in the way of shooting antics so my options are a bit limited.

I don’t see a better option here so I’ll go with:

CAG action to escort civvy in 3 home. Then I’ll escort the one in 5 home.

That works.

Also it seems I have an unfair bias towards you. The card even says so.


Starts with @Lantz unless shenanigans.

I can contribute, but it depends on how much everyone values a scarce resource vs Athena’s hand of reds that can’t shoot, and blues that can only minimally help with a 4000 year old temple.

I am getting cards anyways, 4 cards


Will note that my hand is actually pretty darn helpful in a few situations so would be best to keep it. Damage would be annoying too, as we’re less likely to have time for repairs with 1-2 Cylons on the loose now.

1 card
I can’t really spare more than that for what seems like a pretty low-stakes crisis.


Hope you feel better soon Knight!

I’m alright after foodstuffs. Stop taking my blood away.

Edit: Totally game unrelated but my cholesterol is down to 141, 30 points from last July. Triglycerides down 40! From 106 to 66, and LDL down 40! From 71 to 31! What have I been doing correctly for the last year? Can’t complain, neither can my doctor. I fully expect him to call and invite me to an award presentation.

Edit edit: Also, wtf Cubbies.

Obviously being the arbiter of destiny suits you.

Also, 0 cards, will save my cards for a vital politics crisis. @rho21

Hey, congratulations, anyway.

Ayyyy thanks.

Congrats on the good results, destiny is rewarding everyone this game.

Now Cottle will prescribe some celebratory cronuts and poutine.

I don’t eat things like that anymore, which probably explains quite a bit.

Except the toasters. Come on, appliances!

1 card @rowe33

I’ve only got 1 card that fits so in it goes.

1 card @lantz

There’s no @Lantz, he was first, give me a few minutes.