Battlestar Galactica 24 - These aren't the Craigs you're looking for

Order them to move in, then call the shots. Cold.

Rolls: 5, 7. Two dead raiders.

That seemed like quite a positive turn of events, but would you like to give in to despair anyway?

@Otthegreat gets to make the first cry of despair.

Ouch. I’m not going to be of too much help here guys.

We have 5 leadership between the lot of us and no politics. DESPAIRRRR

Dear gods, we draw 1 Politics?

I missed that. Wow.

This is all terrible but we should at least try and get the 9. I won’t be able to help.

I always say at the beginning of a game to see what cards are being drawn. Poor rho21 :)

Cally draws one and Apollo can draw 2, but yeah, pretty low output all in all.

Actually I just checked my cards again, I can make engineering positive if Cally’s and Athena’s engineering cards are worth the upfront cost. @Lantz @scottagibson

Do not confuse me with that toaster! You had me thinking I was in the wrong game for a second.

Sorry, you eights all look the same to me.

Not worth it for me alone. Maybe destiny?

@Otthegreat since you’re up next, you can add your card(s) and make the call whether I do my engineering thing or not.

EDIT: nvm, got mixed up. @scottagibson you make the call.

Looking at my hand, engineering positive would be a good plus. I can’t pass this on own, though. Can anyone else help?

Remember, I have to contribute 2 cards anyway, or none.

Ok, hopefully it’s worth the investment. I’ll play Engineering 4 SR to make engineering positive.

I can help decently

[holsters sidearm]

1 Card


I am traveling tomorrow. I will check in occasionally but won’t be as responsive as normal.

@Otthegreat drew leadership, right? So he can contribute?

Yeah, everyone can contribute now

I can help minimally.