Battlestar Galactica 26: Winning the Marathon

Calculations is a blue Engineering card. Craig forgot to mention method #3 of modifying a die roll in which he changes it to whatever value causes the most dramatic impact on the game, usually at the humans’ expense.

Roll a 7 and I’ve got you? Not very comforting, I guess.

Ah, didn’t pick up on your meaning earlier. Best we can probably do though since the payoff would be worth it.

Nuke away - permission to release weapon of mass destruction on galactic space 5 granted. Confirmation of 7 or 8 magnitude requested.


Yeah, I have a 5SP. It’s a high value one, so I was waiting for other offers.

Are you playing it though? Hard to imagine a better scenario for it.

Sorry, yes, I was intending to imply that.

That helps, I’m reasonably sure I can also tinker if it’s high enough.

Well, do you do it?

Roll is a 5+2=7

Yes, I do.

In case that’s not clear, Engineering 5(Calc) on that. For 8. And vaporization.

Yay! This is fantastic!

Well that certainly takes the pressure off. We still have a big mass of raiders incoming though.

Yeah but it’s 9 raiders instead of 20.

Well done sirs, now here is your reward?
Starting with @Navaronegun

A reminder that Piloting cards are positive for this check, thanks to my ability, for any grounded pilots that want to prevent morale loss.

Play 2 Cards.


1 card.


0 cards @rho21

1 card @rowe33

This seems like quite a tame crisis all told. Especially the jump prep and yet another heavy activation.

2 cards for me. @CraigM

If we get to 7 then I’m not terribly worried about the discard.

Death would haunt their every step, there was no time to obsess over it. Even so the mass destruction was going to leave scars. The cylon fleet hat gathered in force, until it seemed the skies would hold no more. Even so, the jarring absence of an important member would leave ripples.

So as the purifying light of a miniature sun faded, the tip of the shield that was protecting them seemed to have vanished. Karl Agathon, taking the point as his wife’s right hand man, had been doing an admirable job keeping the Raiders engaged, and from drawing closer. A role that was getting ever more difficult due to the numbers. Flak and fire converged into a miasma of death, turning vacuum into a liquid metal. Drawn in by need, Helo found himself alone when the bomb went off, finding that perfect spot to cause a chain reaction. One nuke managed to cause multiple fusion events, as the stores of missiles on the Basestar added to the nuclear cacophony. Helo had tried to turn away, but the chain reaction scoured the skies.

The weight of loss hit instantly, and violently. The CAG, despite professional duty, nearly lost command with the other half of the raiders bearing down, the Admiral prepared to step in, taking precious time and resources away from command.

But then, streaking like mercury in his golden chariot, came Helo in his Viper. Fire and metal slaking off the hull as he exited the radioactive nothing the forward field was. The ship graveyard had coughed up one tombstone today, and the fleet relaxed for the first time.

Skill cards

Politics 2CP,2CP
Leadership 3AAC
Piloting 2EM,5LR
Tactics 0TI,4SP
Treachery 0B

Trust instincts fires, draws 2 more
Politics 1CP
Tactics 1LS
net +0

Total +10 pass. Bait places 1 civvie behind Galactica.

Heavy moves from 3 to 2
jump prep +1

@Navaronegun choose your politics/leadership